
Over the next minutes in the taxi, I barely able to hold my consciousness. When the taxi finally arrives at the Dragon temple, I barely able to give the driver the money. With a heavy tremble, I open the taxi's door and drop my self into the pathway.

The driver is shocked. He just realizes my condition. Fortunately, he is a kind-hearted person. Instead of ride away in fear, he opens his door and immediately helps me to stand. A tremendous horror appears in his face when he sees a black stain, not only on my clothes but also on my mouth.

"Jesus, Sir.. are you okay ?" he asks in worry. I don't have the energy to answer him. I just point at the temple's front gate and whisper weakly, "Please.."

The taxi driver literally drags me toward the gate since I can not afford to move my feet. Once we are in front of the gate, he knocks hard on it and shouting for help in panic while I eventually lost my consciousness.


I regain my consciousness with the help of a huge urge of vomit that are rushing through my throat. A split of second later it is already comes out of my mouth. My mouth reflexively twitches in pain to feel few hard knocks on my back. I feel a great pressure moves swiftly from lower of my back to my upper. Simultaneous with the pressure, another urge of vomit is accumulating then bursts out of my mouth again.

"You're awaken. Good," Master Long's voice is heard from my behind while another sequence of knocks and pressure arises. I open my eyes only to witness my self being inundated in a pool of black vomit.

"What .." I can only manage to utter that single word before gag and spill another black vomit.

"You are poisoned, Mr. Bennet," Master Long says in a serious tone.

"Whom ..." I throw up for the umpteenth time.

"Your self."

I thought I misheard his words. "My self ?"

"Yes. Your brain have told your liver to produce this poison," Master Long explain as shortest as possible. It is obvious that he needs to fully concentrate on clearing out the poison from my body.

"You must order your brain to stop the order," Master Long continues.

"How ?"

"Show it that you are the boss"

"I.. I...I don't even know..." a spill another mouth full of black vomit. "I .. don't.. know.. where.."

"Your mind space !!" Han suddenly barks irritatedly from my behind. His tone makes me feel like I am imbecile.

"How .. " I am really an imbecile in this field.

"Han.. lead him," Master Long orders.

"But Master.. are you going to be al... Yes, Master." Han doesn't finish his question and instead obediently taking the order. A second later, he appears in front of me. He presses my forehead with his two fingers. "Allow me to come inside you," he tells me.

I don't know what he's talking about. I just says to my self that I let Han enters me. I feel an energy infiltrates into my brain from the two fingers on my forehead. A second later I can 'see' Han's figure stands inside my head. He pulls me who still watch him dumbfoundedly from outside. Suddenly, I am standing beside him.

"This is your mind space," he says then grabs my hand. "Come.. We must hurry to find the culprit behind this."

"Culprit ? Isn't it my brain ?" I ask while running beside him.

"Your brain is a system. It is managed not only by one entity. You, the primary, should be the boss. But I guess there is a retrace in your brain due to your latest decision."

"You mean some part of my brain doesn't agree for me to quit being assassin ?"


"I thought it was my body.." I murmur to my self.

Han smirks. "Your body is controlled by your brain. Haven't you learnt anything from Master Long ? Your body can do nothing that your brain doesn't order."

"I see.."

"Now.. can you find the culprit ?" Han asks. I am silent for a few seconds before opening my eyes with cold gaze. "Yes." This time, I grab his hand and lead him the way.

I run through a thick layer of a wall. At first I thought that wall was as firm and hard as a normal wall. I was actually in doubt I could break it through, but somehow my instinct told me that I must went though it. Surprisingly, the wall is easy to be through. My instinct is actually transformed into a virtual map of my mind. There are two dots that indicate my location and my destination.

My eyes are narrowed to see the area behind the wall. It is dark and messy. I wonder whether it is always be like that or not. The deeper I go inside. the darker it gets and the more I feel my hair is raising. However, I ignore it and keep following where the map direct me.

I only stop my running when I come in the middle of my mind space. It is dark and somehow the air is felt dense. It is very quiet, but doesn't feel empty, as someone.. or something is lurking, preparing to ambush us.

"Come out !!" I bark with a loud voice. I am being responded by a total silence. "I know you are here ! Come and face me !!"

Still, nothing responds.

"Are you sure it is here ?" Han asks me.

I nod in certainty. "Yes.:

"What ?! Are you scare of me ?!!" I bark again and mock. Almost half a minute later, I finally hear some noise.

I wait for it to reveal itself. All my muscles are in high-alert. However, once it reveals itself, I can not help my self not to be stunned.

I was actually had been expecting it to be a scorpion, even maybe more than one, since I could somehow know that the poison is a venom and well, my dream and my tattoo indicate that I have something to do with scorpion. I was right. It is a scorpion, and it is only one scorpion, at least one in front of me is. But it is not a normal size one. Its single leg is bigger than me and Han combined!