Quint Rauss [10]

Eighteen months later.


"Oh... Yess... Yess... Yessss... Aaaaaaacch!!"

The girl was late to muffle her scream as she was overwhelmed with the sudden pleasure her body received. As she still hadn't came back from the cloud nine, a boy crawled on top of her and kissed her lips softly. His nose was wet from her liquid under.

"Do I perform well ?" Quint asked, staring at his sister's face.

Mila slowly opened her eyes and smiled at him full with satisfaction. "You're so good, Brother," she whispered then kissed him back. "Are you sure you didn't practice with other girl ?" she teased him.

Quint stared at her in annoyance. "I am not," he denied.

"With that Andrew's girl, maybe ?" Mila continued her teasing.

"No one !" Quint said in pout. He then rolled his body away from his sister's body. Mila laughed. she crept on top his chest and with her hands forced Quint's head to her direction. "Don't be angry. I was just joking," she said then kissed him again.

Quint stared at her fondly. "No one else but you, sis," he said solemnly.

Mila shook her head helplessly, but she didn't want to prolong the topic. Instead she kissed his lips again gently. "Your turn," she said before shifting her kiss to his ear and neck.

Quint sighed in pleasure.

"How's the competition this year ?" Mila asked while kept bombarding Quint's body with her kisses and touches.

"Okay," Quint answered shortly before sighed again.

"Just okay ?" Mila asked, halting her move.

Quint shrugged. "A little boring," he said.

Maybe because of his last fight on the final round where he had to kill his opponent to survive, at this year's competition many of his opponents were hesitant toward him. They immediately announced defeated once they knew he was their opponent. Thus, from total of seven rounds, he only fought in three rounds, including semifinal and final round. On all the rounds he was fighting, he used only ten attack moves in total, leaving him with another record breaking, 690. Instead of happy for winning the competition again, Quint was disappointed as he didn't get much challenge as he expected.

Quint was brought back from his thought to have flicks and lick on his nipples. His body was heating up when Mila's kisses landed on his abdomen's packs.

"Wanna talk about it ?" Mila asked. Quint shook his head. He laid his head on the pillow and closed his eyes.

"God.. Mila," he hissed as he felt Mila's warmth mouth started to touch his shaft. Quint then quickly put his arm above his lips to muffle it. He was drowned in the flood of pleasure Mila gave him when his ears heard something.


"Father's coming," he hissed, pulled Mila's head away from his shaft.

"What ?" Mila asked in confusion.

"Father's coming!" he hissed again, then quickly shifted his body down from the bed. He then hid under her bed when knocks on the door was finally heard.

"Mila.. Mila.." A male's voice was heard. Mila who had already covered herself with blanket and pretended to still asleep didn't reply. The door was opened slightly, bursting a light through the dark room. "Are you still asleep, Sweetheart ?" the man asked.

"I am awake now," Mila answered with her sleepy voice.

"Good. You need to hurry and prepare," the man said, turning on the light.

"Daaad.." Mila grumbled on the sudden brightness. "Prepare for what ?" she asked.

"Did you forget ? We're all going to camp this weekend," her father said excitedly.

"Oh, yeah.. I forgot," Mila responded.

"Hurry get up !" his father said, then turned his body to leave, but then he halted. "Btw, did you know where is your brother ? His room is empty already."

"I don't know. Maybe he has his morning run," Mila said unchantantly.

"I see," her father said. "Just tell him to prepare himself when you see him," he continued before leaving her room.


The camping his family had this time was definitely like the kind of camping Quint watched on television, even a little more luxurious. When they arrived at the area, there were already stood three big tents for the whole family, one for his parents, one for his sisters, while Quint would share tent with his master. Each tent had a pair of comfortable sleeping bags, lighting, and air conditioner. They also had their personal toilets and showers. Not to mention, the location was merely touched the forest.

They were actually attending National Military Friendship Competition. It was a friendly competition for all military faction of the country, Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force, and other bureaus and agencies. This year was the Army turned to hold the competition. That was why, the Rauss attended it, because his father would opened this event.

After putting their stuffs and rested for a while, guided by Quint's master, the whole family, except Mr. Rauss, were entering the field where the competition would be held for the next couple of days.

"Where's daddy ?" Quint's second elder sister asked his master.

The man smiled at the girl then pointed to a hill area, around 1000 feet from the place. "Somewhere in that area," the man said.

"What he is doing there ? The event is about to start, no ?" Quint asked in confusion. Wasn't his father one who opened this event ?

"You idiot. Daddy was going to open this event," his second elder sister said in mocking tone.

"Watch your words!" His mother warned her. His sister pouted to hear her mother rebuked her.

Before his mother could continued her words, they all heard the master of ceremony greeted the audiences from the sound systems, "Ladies and Gentlemen.. welcome to the 32nd Military Friendly Competition.."

When the master of ceremony announced Mr. Rauss' name, the wide screen suddenly turned on and showed Mr. Rauss' figure, waving at the camera. Quint glanced at his mother. There was a proud smile on her face while her gaze was lovingly went to the screen.

As he grew older, Quint had understood the situation of his parents and his master. Still, he was hard to believe that his mother loved his father more than to his master who she enjoyed making love with. However, this scene convinced him that his mother really loved his father.

Quint shifted his sight toward the screen again. It was shown that his father had positioned himself behind a long riffle. The riffle looked heavy and stern.

"In a count of three, Colonel General Rauss will shoot the target. Give us a sign whenever you are ready, Sir," the master of ceremony said, followed with excited applause. From the screen, Mr. Rauss raised his thumb up.

"Okay.. Let's count ! 3... 2... 1 !!"

Roughly a second later, the target was hit exactly at the bull eye. The bullet then fell down and hit a can. The can fell and it content spilled out to a huge iron bowl below it. A second later, a fire was bursting from the bowl..

Quint was in awe as he seen the most interesting and exciting scene. All of these years, he only knew how great was his father from his master. However, he had never seen it for himself. Beside rarely at home, his father was also kept his demeanor gentle and easy going at home. Turned out, his father really was amazing. No wonder his master put so much respect to him.

"Still the best sniper this country has," his master murmured to himself. His face was full with admiration

The audiences' howls and applauses were immediately filling the air. The open air temporary stadium was soon filled with excitement as the event was beautifully opened by Colonel General Rauss.

Soon, the competition began. There were several category such as strength, speed, and teamwork. Each faction competed against each others in some fun games. Unfortunately, for Quint, such fun games gave him a little to none of excitement.

Quint yawned without able to stop it. His master glanced at him,. "So.. sorry.. I just lack of sleep last night," Quint said then lower his head.

"Hey, do you wanna accompany me to explore the woods, Brother ?" Mila suddenly popped a question to him. It seemed like she also didn't have any interest in the competition.

Quint glanced at his master. Barely moved his head, his master signaled him to stay. "N.. No, I'm staying, Sis.." Quint rejected his sister with so much reluctance. His master told him to stay because his father wanted him to observe this competition carefully so he could understood better each faction strength and weakness.

"It is dangerous for you to walk in the woods by yourself," his father said to his sister. He then called one of his subordinate. His subordinate was a young man, maybe in his early 20 with good looking face and strong body. "Sergeant, please escort my daughter to explore the woods," his father gave order to the young man.

The young man stuttered for a second. The tip of his ear became red. But he quickly stood up and gave a salute the his colonel general, "At your service, Sir."

Mila smiled sweetly to the young man. "Thank you, Sergeant." She then took the sergeant's hand who helped her standing then followed him to leave the bench.

Quint just stared at the two. There was not much of an expression on his face, but his fists were clenched tight.


It was almost 8 PM in the evening. Like any ordinary summer, the sun still hadn't settled down. The competition for that day had ended. After dinner, Quint went to the small lake near the forest. There, he just wasted his time by throwing pebbles to the lake.

He heard sound of foot steps approaching him. Without needed to look, he already knew whose footsteps were they. He pretended not to notice the person and kept throwing pebbles.

"There you are, I've been looking for you," Mila opened her mouth as she was getting closer to him.

Quint smirked. "Really ? I thought you were busy with the sergeant. I mean.. you didn't even come back for dinner," Quint said in indifferent tone..

"We went too deep in the woods, so we late for dinner," she said.

"Yeah, right," Quint responded.

Mila shrugged. She then grabbed some pebbles and started to throw them onto the lake. They were speaking no words for some moments.

"We still have an hour free time before we need to go back to our tents," Mila said, then turned her head to Quint, " I still owe pleasuring you."

Quint sharply shifted his gaze toward her. "You have no obligation to please me," he said then threw a pebble, not even looked to where it was thrown.

"I want to," Mila said.

Quint sighed. "Well, I don't want to," he said then stepped to leave the lake and Mila.

"Hey.. what's wrong ?" Mila chased him and grabbed his elbow to halt him.

Quint jerked his arm to remove her grab. "Just go and satisfy your desire with that sergeant," he bursted his anger.

Mila smiled. "You're jealous."

Quint exhaled heavily. "Yes," he didn't deny it. Mila stared him for a long time. That stare made Quint had an urge to kiss her. So he did. They kissed passionately until they let themselves rolled on the ground.

"I love you, Mila," Quint whispered to her ear after the kiss.

Mila distanced her body from him. "Quint.. you can't love me," she said.

"But that's what I feel," Quint urged. Mila sighed then sat beside him.

"That's what I have always wanted to talk to you since the first time. This.. what we had.. we can not put any feeling to it," she said, deliberately avoid Quint's reddened eyes. "Al though we are not biological siblings, we are still siblings."

"Why did you do it to me in first place then ?" Quint asked. He tried hard not to show his hurt feeling.

Mila finally looked him in the eyes. "To be honest.. Back then I saw you very tense, so I wanted to release your tension," she said as sincere as she could.

Quint was silent. He felt another split in his heart. "I see."

"But then I was carried away," Mila continued. She then sighed again. "I will be lying if I tell you that I have no feeling toward you. But ..." She touched the boy's cheek lovingly. "We can't have relationship other than siblings, Brother."

"So, what do you suggest ?" Quint then asked after another silence for a minute or two.

Mila shrugged her shoulder. "I genuinely don't want this to end. I am enjoying our moments together," she said before looking to Quint's eyes. "But if it makes your feeling is deepen to me, maybe we should end it."

Quint sighed. He rubbed Mila's hair gently and kissed her on her forehead. "I will manage my feeling," he then said.

Mila's eyes got teary to hear Quint's words. "Really ?" she asked. Quint nodded and gave her a thin smiled. Their lips once again entangled to each other as their bodies were slowly laid down in between the thatches.

"Just to make it clear," Mila whispered onto Quint's chest as she put her kisses all the way to the south, "I have no fancy feeling toward the sergeant." She then ripped open Quint's jeans.


The Military Friendship competition was finally over. The Rauss was on their way back to their home. With Quint's master on the driver seat, his father on the front passenger seat. Quint, his mother and Milas were on the middle seat while his second elder sister was on the back seat.

It was already late. His mother and his two sisters were already asleep. In fact, Mila's head was n his shoulder.

"Do you enjoy your time, Son ?" His father suddenly broke the silence with a question to Quint.

"Yeah," Quint answered shortly after changing glances with his master.

"Father," Quint called his father after some minutes passed.

"Yes, Son,"

"Will it be possible for you to teach me how to snipe ?"