The Seven Slayers [1]


[Warning 18] Bloody and cruel scenes ahead that are not suitable for underages.

8:55 AM

It was a beautiful morning of middle Spring in city C. A car just parked on a car port of one of a house in a good neighborhood. Not long, its door was opened and a woman came out of the car with a bag of bagels in her embrace. With a little hum, she went to the house's front door and opened it. But once she went inside, she halted her steps.

She felt something weird. Her house never been this silent. Robin, her dog, who had always welcomed anyone who entered the house with his bark was now nowhere to be found.

"Robin.. ?" she called the dog but there was no reply..

Shifting the bag of bagel to one hand, the woman reached out a small gun that was hidden near her ankle. Carefully, she stepped her feet on the floor, going deep into her house.

When she went into the living room, she found out Robin was laying on the floor. At first she thought the dog died, but then she could see its chest was inflating and deflating, a sign that it was still breathing.

"Mike ... ?" Once again she called, this time her husband. She could here a noise from upstair. The woman quickly went upstair, to her bed room.

"God ! Mike !!" She shouted in shock to see her husband's condition. Still naked, it was his habitual to sleep naked, he was cuffed on one of bed posts with both legs were shot and mouth was covered with duck tape.

When she ran toward her husband, he screamed and shook his head, telling her not to. In the same time something was beeping. Only then she noticed something black surrounding her husband's neck. Numbers were displayed on its surface. 10:59:50 ... and counting down.

"What ?!" she exclaimed in between confuse and panic. Before she could even digest all that had happened, her cellular was ringing.


"Good morning, Mrs. Smith," A voice greeted her. It was obvious that the voice had been disrupted by a machine. "Or should I call you... Poisonous Eve ?"

"Who.. who is this ?" she asked in stammered. It'd been years.. more than two decades.. she didn't have anyone calling her that name again.

"Are you sure you wanna waste you precious hubby's time by getting to know me ?" the caller asked back.

"What.. what do you want ?" The woman asked another question.

"I want nothing. But you... you definitely want.."

"Mommy !!!" Another voice screamed from a far.

"Bobby !!" the woman screamed in panic hearing her son's voice. The eight years old boy was supposed to be in school right now. She was the one who drove him there half an hour ago. How could he ... "What do you want ?!?! Leave my son alone !!"

Once again the the caller laughed politely. "Of course I would leave your boy alone, if .."

"If what.. ?!?!"

The caller laughed again. "I am a big fan of The Seven Slayers.."

This time, both the couple gasped at once.

"Have you heard that name before ?" the caller asked, as if didn't hear her gasp.

"It.. It was long gone. That team was long gone," the woman said, trying hard not to show her trembling voice.

"That's exactly why.." the caller said. "I want you to reunite the Seven Slayers."

"I .. I don't know where they are now.."

"You really put a shame on your own reputation, Eve."

"We.. lost contact the moment the team ..."

"Come on.. Don't fool me! I know that you know where they are!" The caller raised his voice.

Mrs. Smith sighed inwardly. "What.. what do you want from us ?"

"Nothing... I just want the team to have a reunion."

"But.. but.. out marksman has died. And the others.. I don't even know.. I mean, there's no way we can be full team," Mrs. Smith tried to bargain.

"Do you think I don't know that ? Relax, Eve.. I'm not a cruel person.How about this. Just.. gather 3 or 4 members and I will be happy enough."

"And you will let my son go ?" Mrs. Smith asked a confirmation.

"You can have my words. Your sweet Bobby won't be harmed a single hair as long as you gather at least 3 members of the Slayers at 8 PM near the C river."

The woman glanced at her husband. The man nodded. "Okay."

"Good. You can try to do funny-funny thing and your husband's head will be exploded."

"We won't."

"I'm watching you. Mr and Mrs. Smith.. Oh.. I can't wait to watch your actions again. I will prepare some popcorn. Bye"

With that sentence, the call was ended.


10:50 AM, city C.

With limping, Mr. Smith walked out of a clinic, ignoring his personal doctor's advice to have a rest for couple of days. How could he rest for a couple of days when there was a bomb on his neck that might explode in less that 10 hours ?

After having his legs treated, of course what he needed to do next was contacting Brown Johnson. His wife was telling the truth that the team had been disbanded long time ago. But that didn't mean that they had not contacted one another. Well, at least some of them still did. One of them was Brown Johnson.

He actually could just called his buddy, which would save him a lot of time. However, he needed Johnson's skill to get the thing on his neck off. Johnson was a bomb expert in the team. He could make the best bomb and surely could defuse it.

With that plan in mind, Mr. Smith drove his car to Johnson's place. Every time he winced to feel the pain on his legs, his grudge escalated. He was actually a light sleeper, thus he usually awoke easily for any small disruption. However, this morning he didn't awake until both of his legs were being wounded. And what made him even trembled, he found no one near him. They were not a gunshot, but a mini timer explosions placed on his knees.

Fifteen minutes later, he arrived at Johnson's apartment building. Still limping and wincing, Mr. Smith went to his buddy's apartment hastily. Tense was all over his face.

Once arrived in front of the door, he immediately rang the bell. He had contacted Johnson ahead to notify his visit. However, he didn't tell him about the bomb on his neck, or his son's kidnap. Johnson would definitely be coward out and ran away if he knew earlier.

No one answered the bell. Mr. Smith rang the bell once more.

"Johnson !" he yelled impatiently after his third time ringing the bell didn't have any response.

He started knocking on the door and then twisting the door knob. To his surprise, the door was unlocked and immediately opened once the knob was twisted.

A bad feeling immediately infiltrated Mr. Smith's heart. Slowly, he opened the door wider and entered the apartment.

"Johnson ?" he called. No one answered him. He went deeper to the kitchen.

"Johnson !" Mr. Smith exclaimed once he saw his buddy sitting on a dining chair with his head on the chair head. His eyes were wide shot opened. Foam was filling his purple lips.

Mr. Smith's hands were trembling furiously, knowing his buddy was no longer alive. On the table was still a plate with some noodles on it. Few strings of noodles were still on the fork that was now on the floor. A half empty cup of hot coffee was also on the table.

A message was received. "Police will be there in less than five minutes. I hope you are already leaving that place."

"Fuck you !" Mr. Smith replied the text. But he had no choice and left the place immediately.

Once he got in the car he slammed the steering wheel in front of him with his hand. After that, languidly he reached his phone to call his wife.


14:01, city SF

Mrs.smith marched her fingers on her bag that was placed on top of her lap. She just arrived at city SF. After her husband called, telling her about Johnson, she who had already in the airport for precaution immediately bought ticket to city SF while she told her husband to go to city M to find that bitch.

She sighed. Under this circumstances, she had to put personal grudge aside. She even wouldn't complain if.. she closed her eyes. That bitch won't let this kind of opportunity and take advantage of him. She heavily exhaled. As long as that bitch was willing to go with him, she would let it happen this time. Only this time. She clenched her fist.

Half an hour later, the taxi that brought Mrs. Smith was arrived in front of a skyscraper. Mrs. Smith went inside the building, only as far as the receptionist. She had to thicken her patience and asked the woman in front of her to call Mr. Watanabe. That punk made himself a Watanabe since three years ago. Mrs. Smith knew it from newspaper that brought this punk as Most Promising Young Billionaire in IT Security. He surely found another use of his skill. He really was a genius.

"Eve.. ?!" Someone called him in disbelief tone.

"Akira," Mrs. Smith replied him with a stiff smile. The 35 years old man gave her the similar stiff smile.

"What brings you here ?" he asked to the point. He knew this woman wouldn't come just to visit him.

"Can we.. find somewhere private ?" Mrs. Smith hissed.

Akira brought his hand to her back and leaded her to go to a corner of the building. Once knew they were alone, Mrs. Smith told him what had happened to her family..

"Johnson ??" Akira exclaimed in shock to hear about Johnson's death.

Mrs. Smith nodded.

"And the other ?" Akira asked again.

"Mike.. i mean Jordan is on his way to Annabel. And I can't contact Yong. His disciple said that he was in closed-door meditation," Mrs. Smith answered him. she then grabbed Akira's shoulder. "Would you please go with me ? Please.. he only wanted 3 members. If you came, then.. then Jordan doesn't have to contact Annabel," she said with eyes full of hope toward Akira.

Akira was the most naive member of the team. He really had a kind heart. That's why he was so pissed off to know about Jordan and Annabel's adultery back then.

"Okay.. Okay.. I will come with you, Eve," Akira said after more than a minute thinking about it.

"Thank you.. Thank you..," Mrs. Smith said in much gratitude.

"When shall we leave ?"

"Now ?"

"Okay. Wait for me on the lobby. I will go back to my office to arrange things first. I'll see you another fifteen minutes," Akira said then rubbed Mrs. smith's shoulder. "Don't worry. We will get Bobby back."

Mrs. Smith nodded. She couldn't help to drop a tear, feeling thankful for this guy. Akira was still the same good-hearted man.

After Akira left, Mrs. Smith went to the lobby. Due to her nervousness, she couldn't even sit. She just walked back and forth impatiently while glancing at her watch every half a minute. Merely ten minutes later, she saw Akira bringing his laptop.

"Do you know his number ?" Akira asked.

"Jordan was the one who brought the phone that he contacted," Mrs. Smith said. She then called her husband. "Akira wanted to know his number," she said to her husband. A second later she dropped her back to the wall behind her. "He changed numbers every time he texted you ?"

Mrs. Smith glanced at Akira who frowned. "He is good," Akira murmured. "I will enter your husband's phone so when he contacted him, I could trace his location immediately."

"You can do that ?" Mrs. Smith asked with amazement.

Akira grinned. "Do you forget who I am ?" He opened his laptop and soon his fingers were flying above the keyboard. In only took him two minutes before confirming, "Done. Now, when he contacted Jordan, my system will automatically searched his location and notify me."

"Thank you."

"Let's go," Akira invited Mrs. Smith to leave.

Soon, they were already arrived at the intersection. The park building for the people worked in the skyscraper was across the street. It was not even 3 PM, but it was quite a crowd at that time. With other pedestrians, Akira and Mrs. smith awaited their turn to cross the street.

Finally the green light was on. When he was about to step his foot on the crossroad, Akira's cellular vibrated shortly. He halted his step, letting Mrs. Smith to go first while his hand was taking out his cellular. As he expected, it was a notification from his hacking system.

He stepped his foot while reading the message.

"My location is .."

What .. "My" ?? His furrows instantly got deepened when he noticed that strange word. But before he could digest it any further, another message was received,

"Next beside you"

His eyes bulged. He quickly turned his head to his left only to saw a shadow draped something over his head.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Smith was crossing the street with satisfied heart. She grabbed her cellular from her bag, wanted to call her husband. She wanted to inform him that he didn't need to contact that bitch. They had Akira with them. They were sa..


A long thrilling scream was heard from few meters behind her. Mrs. Smith turned her body to look what was going on. Another scream was heard, followed by others. Some people behind her already stood making a circle, blocking her view from what had happened.

In curiosity, Mrs. Smith walked toward the crowd and split it. The colors on her face were instantly drained as she saw the view in front of her. Her legs lost their strength. She directly lumped, sat on the street.

Akira laid few meters before her in a pool of blood. His head was laid next to his knee, totally separated from his body.