The End of Deathstalker

Deathstalker went out from the taxi that brought him from the local airport. He glanced at the carport to make sure his father's car wasn't there already. He knew his father was already at his office now. His father always left home early in the morning. Now, even when he was still reluctant to, as an obedient soldier he was, he must went back on dutu, leaving his still recovery wife at home since he had used his leave up.

With wide steps, Deathstalker walked toward the home he grew up. Being a Colonel General, Mr. Rauss decided to keep staying at this old house. He even didn't use the privilege given to him to have a full security from the army. He trusted his home and family fully to his adjutant and few subordinates.

The couple of subordinates that guarding the front gate were surprised to see him here. However, they still nodded their heads to give him respect. Instead of replied their respect, Deathstalker waved his hand to make the two men flied and collided their bodies to each other. Both dropped their bodies unconsciously to the ground. With another wave, the bodies were dragged to in front of the fence. The final wave made two bars of the fence bent and wrapped their bodies.

Deathstalker entered the front door of his house. Within few steps, he brought himself to the main bedroom, where his parents used to sleep.

"What do you mean she is still alive ?" He heard his mother's voice, not to loud but clear enough to be heard since the house was so quiet. "Did you say that Deathstalker fail to eliminate her ?"

"I didn't fail, Mother," Deathstalker was the one answered the question, "I didn't want to kill her." With that answer, he stepped inside the room. His mother saw his appearance with a bulged eyes.

"Quint.." His mother whispered after few seconds. She then hanged up the call she was made previously. "What are you doing here, Son ?" She asked only to be answered by slammed door that followed by sound of locked being turned.

"Stop pretending to be sick, Mother," Deathstalker said seeing his mother was laying on the bed with his right leg being held high and some bandage on her body.

"What do you ..."

"Cut the crap, Mother !" Deathstalker cut her words. "I know you were not in the car when it was crashed and dragged by the truck. I know it was not Mila's organization's truck that crashed the car, but instead.. it was your company's truck !!"

Mrs. Rauss saw her son as he was mad. "What are you talking about ? We have pictures from the satellite as evidence."

"They were altered," Deathstalker said. He threw his phone onto his mother's lap. He waved his hand to make the phone played the video he received from Mila yesterday. "It was a video from other satellite that your hacker missed," he added.

After watched the video, maybe merely half of it, slowly Mrs. Rauss grew a smile on her face. "I thought it was a foolproof plan," she said with greeted teeth.

Deathstalker frowned. "Why, Mother ?" he asked.

Mrs. Rauss took a long sigh before answering, "Because there she is trying to destroy me and you did nothing about it !"

"She is my sister, Mother! Better yet, she is your daughter ! Your own blood !!"

"Well, isn't that one thing she should consider to not destroy me !!" Mrs. Rauss hissed with anger. Deathstalker couldn't believe the woman in front of him was his mother.

"She didn't want to hurt you. she only want ..."

"To destroy the organization !! That was more painful than hurting me physically !!" his mother cut his words with a sharp hissed. She then woke up and crawled on the bed to approach her son. Her movement was resembling an angry tiger. "And you... you didn't even care to protect me!"

"Joanna.." A voice was heard with the sound of knocking on the door.

"Why me ?" Deathstalker asked. "You have other Royal Knights on the mission.."

"Because you are the only one she can not read!!" Mrs. Rauss hissed. "You are the only one who could kill her!!"

"I won't kill her !!" Deathstalker snapped.

"Joanna.. are you okay ?" This time there was worry in his master's voice. The knob of the door was being turned several time but it fails to open.

"I knew that," Mrs. Rauss hissed. "That's why I made this plan.."

"You..." The anger was filling Deathstalker's mind until he lost his words. With one step he went to her side and immediately choked her. "How could you..." he hissed in disbelief. His eyes was red to suppress his emotion.

"Argh!" Mrs. Rauss screamed as she could not breathe properly. "Quint..."

"Joanna ..??"

"I'm your mother.."

"A mother won't initiate her children to kill each other," Deathstalker said through his greeted teeth.

"Joanna !!"

"Derrick.. HELP !!" Mrs. Rauss cried out as she failed to struggle out from Deathstalker's grab.

A second later the door was hacked out by merely a punch of his master.

"Quiint !!" His master exclaimed to see his disciple was chocking his own mother. "Release her !"

"No !"

His master stepped forward. Deathstalker waved his hand to let things inside the room attacking his master. But the attack was like toy play for his master. A second later, the forty years old man was already stood behind Deathstalker.

With one jerk, the man pulled Deathstalker's away from his mother. Deathstalker waved his hand again. This time, from outside the room, there were knives flied into the room, targeting his master's back.

His master grabbed the knives with one hand, while his other hand was throwing Deathstalker on the ground.

"You think you can defeat me merely with throwing stuffs on me, Boy ?" His master asked with a smirk.

Deathstalker punched his master's arm that holding his shoulders, trying to escape from his held. But of course his master was way stronger than him. Al though he was already in level 15 of physical strength, his master was still way above him. Not to mention his spiritual power.

Deathstalker blinked his eyes. A second later, his master screamed in pain when a bullet from a hunting riffle on his father's study room's wall pierced his back. Deathstalker then kicked the man on the stomach. The an released his hold on Deathstalker's shoulder.

Quickly, Deathstalker rolled his body, switching position with his master. He was now on top of his master. He held one of his hand onto his master's neck while his other hand was punching his master on the face several times, to make him unconscious.

When Deathstalker raised his hand, was about to lay his fist onto his master's face for the umpteen times , he suddenly felt a string pain on his neck. He grabbed his neck, noticing stun dart sticked on it. He was too engross by his anger that he ignored his profound that alarmed him. He turned his head around, to see his mother stood behind him with a stun gun on her hand. That was the last thing he saw before he drowned into unconscious state.


"Then what happened ?" I ask to a man who walk out of the scene approaching me.

"I don't know, Man," the man shrugs his shoulder. "All I know is I woke up on the dumpster. And the rest is like what you have in your memory."

As the scene in front of me disappearing, the scenery now back into my mind again.

"You believe me now ?" The man asks me with a wide grin on his face.

"I do," I say that make him claps his hands.

"That's g.."

"But I still need to eliminate you," I continue my words. I place one hand on his neck while my other arm surrounding his neck, ready to twist his neck off.

"Noo!!!" He screams in shock and fear. "Are you out of your mind ?! You will be dead if I die!!" He in a blink of an eye has already released himself and turns his position around. Now, I am the one who is being locked on to the wall with his lower arm pressing my neck.

"I will be dead because of your venom anyway," I struggle saying that as his lower arm presses my neck so hard that disturbs the air through my trachea. I kick his crotch. That jolts him in pain and makes his press loosens up. I use that chance to release my self and round my arms around his neck once again.

"No, you won't !" He denies me, hitting my stomach with his elbow. I ignore the pain.

"I won't ?" I confirm his words, tighten up the twist on his neck.

"As long.. as long as you keep being who you are.."

He suddenly bends his knee and jumps over backwardly, bringing my body with him. Fortunately, I react quick enough and jump along with him while keep my twist on his neck tight. We jump over and over several times until he finally hits his back on the wall. I turn my body and now choking him with my palm.

"Who am I then ?" I hiss.

"You are.. Deathstalker of course.." he says as if I was asking a ridiculous question.

"Well, I don't want to be Deathstalker anymore," I tell him.

"You're kidding me, right ?" He trie to release himself by hitting and kicking me. But by now I realize something. As much power this man has, he.. we.. are inside my brain. So.. I am the one who in charge the whole power inside my body, not him. And now, his hits and kicks are merely like kid's. As a matter a fact, the man now is turning back into the little Chien Dai once more.

"Don't you learn anything from the journey I've shown you ? You are destined to be Deathstalker," the kid yells at me. In his frustration not able to release himself, the kid finally cries out.

"I was a Deathstalker. But I will not be anymore," I tell him my decision."I don't mind killing you even if it means I will be dead, too.."

"But.. you will have a child.. Don't you want to see him ?" the kid asks.

"I would love to. But not if I am still a Deathstalker," I answer him, giving him a curtly smile. "So.." I twist his neck.

"Nooo.. wait.. waiiit!!" The kid pleads to halt my attempt to kill him. When he feels that I stop my movement, he sighs of a relieve. "Okay.. okay.. You win!" He says.

"How do I win ?" I ask him to clarify his words.

"I will stop the venom stream in your blood," He explains.

"And ..?" I ask him to continue.

"And what ?" he asks, playing dumb.

"And you will obey me. You won't do any funny-funny thing to make me Deathstalker again," I answer my own question.

"Okay.. okay, I will," he says with a sigh.

"Good," I say. "Cut the venom now," I tell him.