A Girl's Heart

Determine to keep my promise, after dropping Jennifer to the district attorney office, I spent my whole day looking for the perfect engagement ring. I knew her style is simple and minimalist, but, every woman loves diamond, right ? So after wondered around more than fourteen jewelry shops in town, I finally chose a ring that I think would be perfect for her.

"Hi," I greet Jennifer once she shifts herself into the passenger seat.

"Hi, Babe," she replies, closing her eyes as I kiss her forehead. "What's this ?" she asks when I give her a velvet blue box in front of her.

"I hate to see that beaitoful finger of yours bare like that," I answer with a happy grin.

"Aaw.. thank you," she murmurs, accepting the box with already teary eyes.

"I hope you like it," I say, can not hide nervousness from my eyes as she slowly untangles the white ribbon and opens the box.

"Gosh. !" She exclaims and covers her mouth with her hand. She then looks at me with face glimmered with tears. "Baby.. this is beautiful.."

"Really ?" I asks. She nods repeatedly. "You like it ?" I ask again for confirmation.

"Like it ? I love it !!" She exclaims in joy. "Thank you," she whispers then kisses me.

"Let me see it on your finger," I ask her to try it on.

Jennifer puts it on her finger. It fits her finger perfectly. The rose gold ring compliments her skin tone. The perfect cut almond shape pink diamond is the only ornament decorates it. The pink color of the diamond enhances the bright green color of her eyes.

"It's beautiful on you," I say with full of satisfaction. I knew it will look good on her, but never have I imagines it would be this beautiful on her finger.

"It must cost you fortune," she says, still murmur in disbelief.

"Hey.. a woman who said yes to a can ring proposal deserves most expensive things a man can afford," I say to her, trying to be cool, but my voice is like a love struck teenage boy.

Jennifer kisses me again. "Thank you, Baby," she whispers. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I whisper back to her. I stare that teary face with proud. They are happy tears. And I'm so proud that I am the one who responsible for it. I promise my self to try so hard to be able to see that happy face often.

"Hey, do you want to hear our baby's heart beat ?" Jennifer suddenly asks me.

"Really ? I mean.. we can hear the heartbeat already ?" I ask in disbelief.

Jennifer nods. "Yes. It has heartbeat since second months. But it was so soft, I barely can hear it," Jennifer says excitedly. "Doctor Denver said, I could hear it clearly when we entered the fourth month."

"That's great, Baby." I say then kiss her. "Of course I'd like to hear it too." I'm so happy that I do not miss any of my baby's growth.

"Great! I have appointment with doctor Denver at 7 PM. You can accompany me," Jennifer says happily.

I nod and glance at my watch. It is stil 5:30 PM. "We can have dinner first along the way," I suggest, remembering that Jennifer must not late to eat.

"Yes, please. I'm starving already," she says then sighs, "Though I just ate two donuts before I left office."

"Hey.. you are pregnant. It's the baby's demand." I rebuke her, tell her not to feel guilty.

"Then we should eat tacos for dinner!" she exclaims excitedly then looks at me with raised eyebrows. "It's the baby's demand," she adds.

I laugh. "Okay. But with extra veggies," I give my term.

"And cheese," she adds quickly with pleading sight. I just nod and laugh to her cute behavior. I've noticed her craving for cheese has been increasing since she is carrying our baby.


After filling our tummies with taco and burrito, we headed to her obstetricians. Now we are inside the doctor's office. Jennifer has made herself comfortable on the special chair while I stand beside her.

"Hello, Miss. McCourtney," A deep voice is heard when the door of the office is opened. Soon, a tall and big man wearing white gown enters the room. He is around forty years old, dark chocolate skin with a thin glasses hangs on his nose. His voice despite deep but sounded cheerful and friendly.

"Hello, Doctor Denver. How are you ?" Jennifer greets him back. she pulls her head forward to be able to see the doctor.

"I'm great. Thank you. How are you and the baby ?" he asks back.

"We're doing fine," Jennifer answers with a smile.

Dr. Denver sees me and grows a friendly smile on his face. "I suppose this is the father ?" he asks.

"Yes, I'm Bennet, Doctor," I confirm and introduce my self at once, shaking his big hand.

"I'm glad you can come to accompany them this time, Sir," Dr. Denver says before sitting on his rolling stool with a heavy exhale due to his big belly. "Let's see how the little one's doing, shall we ?" he asks again, rhetorically this time.

Dr. Denver then puts some kind of gel over Jennifer's belly before he takes a tool and hover it over her belly. "There it is," he says when the monitor in front of him displays a black and white video. "Hey, Little One.. your daddy's here this time," he talks gently as he moves his tools

The image of the video is not too clear, but I can see a form of a super tiny baby inside a circle-like room with few string like things attached to it. I unconsciously drop my jaw while my eyes don't blink to see that miracle. I can hear Jennifer giggles. that is when I come back to my sense.

"Can we hear its heartbeat, Doc ?" Jennifer asks Dr. Denver.

"Sure," Dr. Denver says. He then clicks a button on his computer before hovers his tools somewhere on Jennifer's right below belly. "There.."

A second later, the room is filled with the sound of heart beat. It is loud and clear. Its rhythmically beats sounded beautiful in my ears.

Once again, I am in stunned. This time, I barely able to hide my tears. I can only move my sight to Jennifer that has already had a wet face out of tears. "It's our baby's heart beat, Babe.." I whisper dumbfoundedly. Jennifer only nods several times. I kiss her forehead lovingly.

"You can now know its gender, if you want it to," Dr. Denver offers with a wide smile.

"We can ? " I ask in disbelief. Dr. Denver nods. "Like.. now ?" I ask again. Dr. Denver nods again.

"Of course we wanna know, Doc," Jennifer says almost exclaims to her excitement.

Dr. Denver laughs happily. He then points to slightly off the middle of the monitor. "You can see.. this is the head.. and this is the chest. Look, you can see both of its hands now beside the head.."

I know this doctor is deliberately dragging his announcement to make us nervous. But I will bare it no matter how long he rumbles around.

"Now.. this is the belly," Dr. Denver points out. "Can you see below it ? Can you see anything point out ?" Dr. Denver asks.

I and Jennifer lean our head to look closer to the monitor. "I see nothing," I murmur. I know I should look for the penis. Jennifer also shakes her head.

"You can't see it ? It is veeeryy tiny... around... there.. Can't you see it ?" Dr. Denver asks again. Jennifer and I frown our eyebrows and look more focus, tries to find the little winny.

"I can't see it, Doc.." Jennifer says in frustration. "Am I a bad mom ? I can't even .."

"That's because it has no penis, Miss McCourtney," Dr. Denver says then laughs. "Congratulation ! You have a daughter!"

I am so grateful to have a strong heart because it has skipped a beat so many times today. "Daughter ?!" I ask to make sure while Jennifer shrieks in joy and suddenly hugs my neck.

"Yes. It's a girl. Sir," Dr. Denver confirms my question.

I hug Jennifer in so much happiness. I know Jennifer didn't care much about the gender, but I secretly did. I wanted the baby to be a girl so she would less likely to be a monster like me. I can imagine how my live would be surrounded by two beautiful girls. It is just perfect.

"Protect your wife and daughter," Suddenly Master Long's words yesterday came into my memory. He knew it already. He knew about my baby's gender. That old man is awesome!