Mr & Mrs. Scott Bennet

I feel like my world is being shrunk down until only there were Jennifer and me. Wearing an off-shoulder white gown with the cut right below her breasts to cover up her cute bumpy belly, Jennifer is like a Greek goddess. No.. I believe she is way more beautiful than a Greek goddess, than any Goddess.

As she slowly walks toward me, Jennifer stares back at me with a wide smile that I believe she has tried to muffle down to behave herself in front of the guests. While I, my self ? Well, I don't even try to behave.

I'm sure I had either my jaw was dropping, a drool came out of my mouth, or a silly grin split my face in half until Thief is elbowing me and warns me with her gaze to behave a little.

When Jennifer is finally in front of me, Master Long who actually walked beside her all along gives her hand onto me.

"You look amazing," I whisper to her without a sound.

"You look not bad, too," she whispers back.

I then guide her to stand on my right facing the priest.

Soon, the priest starts the ceremony. To be honest, I listen no word of him as my mind is busy calming down my heart. I glance at Jennifer. I don't know how she can be this calm.. and this beautiful.

My mind is a little distracted when I hear the front door is opened and a familiar step. But before I have a chance to look whose step is it, the priest is asking Jennifer and me to say our vows.

I look at Jennifer right in her eyes, and start my vow with a trembling voice, "I, Scott Bennet, take you, Jennifer McCourtney, to be my lovely wedded wife. I promise to love you and worship you, and be there right beside you through health and ill, wealth and poor, happiness and sadness as long as I live. I promise to be a good father for our children, be there whenever they need me and be a good role model for them. I promise you, I will never let my bleakness comes in your live, nor our children's lives."

A tear drops on to Jennifer's cheek as I can feel my eyes are having heat and red.

"I, Jennifer McCourtney," Jennifer starts her vow with cracked voice, "Take you, Scott Bennet, as my lovely wedded husband. I promise to love you and worship you, and be there right beside you through health and ill, wealth and poor, happiness and sadness as long as I live. I promise to be a good mother for our children, be there whenever they need me and be a good role model for them. And I .. will help you with my life, to not let your bleakness ever appear again."

The priest makes a little cough to bring our minds back to the world as I and Jennifer were too immerse only to each other. "If there is anyone here objects this marriage, he or she shall speak up now, or.."

"I object this marriage," suddenly a female voice is heard from the rear row of benches. Sharp gasps and murmurs are spontaneously appear from the guests while Jennifer's and my heads automatically turn toward the source of the voice.

"Lily," I hisses with contempt even before she shows herself. In reflect, I drag Jennifer to stand behind me.

"I am his fiancee," Lily Andrew says out loud while walking toward us.

"You are.. no, you WERE Quint Rauss' fiancee," I correct her with a cold tone.

"You are Quint Rauss.."

"Quint Rauss is dead. I am Scott Bennet," I cut her.

"You are the same person.."

"Are we ?" I challenge her. "Did you not know that the Rauss announced Quint Rauss' death long time ago ? Or you were saying that your ex-future parent in law is lying ?"

"They're .."

"Or maybe do you have any proof that I actually am that guy ? It happens that this church is full with lawyers now. If you had any evidence about me being Quint Rauss, you can bring it to them" I challenge her more. "A DNA test maybe ?" I know for sure that Quint Rauss' DNA was already being altered. Thief has checked our DNAs right after I met Mrs. Rauss for the first time. They turned out had no correlation what so ever.

"Quint.. this is me.." Knowing that she can't win this argument, Lily is starting to plead.

I stare at her with a cold expression. "I don't know you, Ma'am." I say in cold, ignoring Lily's tears.

"I believe you are not even being invited here. So, please leave. Or.. else" I deliberately emphasize the word 'else'.

Little by little, I regain my memory back, more than what had been shown to me by the scorpion. I remember that when I was teenager, I used to use the word 'else' to indicate the fatal blow my opponents were about to have if they didn't choose the other option. And I know for sure, being my most loyal stalker, Lily knew it.

Lily bulged her eyes a split second, but drops her head low after. She then turns her body back. But before I can breathe easy, Lily suddenly turns back and charges.

In a split second, Lily is already beside me. Her left hand that was being gloved a second ago is now ungloved and stretch out, trying to reach Jennifer.

I know this doesn't happen in normal speed. Lily also has the capability to speed time, and that hand of hers.. I instinctively try to catch her left hand, about to take it away from Jennifer.

"No !!" Lily shouts, avoid my touch on her left hand. I move my body a little so now Jennifer is totally shielded by my body.

"You have to kill me first if you want to touch her," I tell Lily.

"You.." Lily is dumbfounded hearing my words, "You've never said anything like that for me.." Her voice has so much sadness in it.

"That's because I've never loved you," I say to her with a more gentle tone. "Lily.. I've never loved you."

Lily stares at me with so much hate. She then charges toward me again, trying to touch Jennifer with her left hand. This time, I show her no more mercy. I grab her left upper arm and twist it back. She screams in pain. I am about to pull it off from her body when suddenly a man appears in front of her and grabs her. Bruno.

"Let her go, or I will blow this church," Bruno hisses, looks me in the eyes.

We stare at each other for a second before I let Lily's arm go and push her onto his arm. "Make sure she doesn't appear in mine and Jennifer's lives again," I tell him.

Bruno just nods before leaving the church out of nowhere just like when he came. But this time, he brings Lily with him.

When they're gone, I turn my speed back to normal only to see pale face of Jennifer. .

"Baby.. Baby.. are you okay ?" I whisper to wake her up.

"How.. how ??"

"What did you see ?" I ask in worry. I've never found out what Jennifer saw when I turn my speed into fighter jet mode. I know that for everybody else they probably can't see a thing. But Jennifer is a bit different. Her voice could pierce through almost like normal when I was in my fighter jet mode at Slim Joe's room back then.

"She.. she attacked me. Then you shielded me. Then you attacked her.. Then.. then a man came and took her.. How.. how could he disappeared ?" Jennifer answers with stammered.

I heavily exhale. As what I was afraid of, Jennifer is not affected by the time speed. I hold her into my embrace to calm her down.

"It's alright.. she won't harm you.." I whisper to ensure her, rubbing my hand onto her back in circle movement. While doing it, I gaze toward Master Long. He just nods a couple of time while his hand gesturing me to calm down.

"How.. how could he disappeared ?" Jennifer hisses.

"I don't know, Babe.." I mutter. I my self was a bit surprised to see Bruno could appear and disappear like that in my fighter jet mode. Did that mean he has faster time speed than mine ? Or he has new ability because of the activity cells procedure. I'm sure both Bruno and Lily have their procedure already. It's been almost eight years since I got mine. I believe they had theirs, too.

A cough brings me back from my reverie. "Shall we continue ?" The priest asks.

I turn my head to Jennifer that still has pale face. "I think we should .."

"No.. we should continue our wedding," Jennifer cuts before I finish saying my opinion.

"Are you sure, Babe ?" I hiss to her. Jennifer nods.

"Okay, we continue then," I tell the priest.

Fortunately, the rest of the ceremony doesn't have any interference. After we changed rings and had a wedding kiss, the priest then announced us as "officially Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bennet".