Mr. McCourtney's Dark Secret [6]

"Pumpkin.. I'm home," I called Sophia right when I opened the front door of our house.

"Look who's home.. Look who's home.. Daddy's home," Sophia, instead of replying me, was talking with cute voice to a baby in her arms. She then walked toward me while carrying the beautiful baby girl. "Welcome home, Honey," she said before pecking my lips.

It was my turn to ignore her as my attention was stolen by the cute baby. "Hi, Jennie. Did you miss Daddy ?" I asked the baby who only made an insignificant sound. Still, both Sophia and I laughed and praised her in synchronous, "Smart girl !"

I took the baby from Sophia's arms and started to play with her while Sophia took my luggage to laundry room. We named this beautiful baby Jennifer. She was the surrogate for our dead baby that given by my supervisor less than 24 hours after I sent my message to her.

At first I hated her. No matter how beautiful she was, she was not my blood. Every time I saw her beautiful face, guilty feeling bursted out, remembering that I was one to cause our baby to be dead. And I unconsciously projected my guilty feeling toward the innocent Jennifer. Thankfully, everything was changed when I saw how Sophia looked at her with so much love. I had never saw that much love came out of anyone. That love began to melt my heart.

My heart became completely melted when one morning the several of weeks old Jennifer woke me with her soft touched. I jolted and ready to be furious at that time. But Jennifer just looked at me with her big green eyes and then chuckled. Her laughter immediately wiped my anger and instead made me fell in love to this harmless creature. Since that day, I decided to love her as my own daughter.

She was our daughter. That what she and Sophia had always known to be. Sophia never knew about the truth. The next day after she woke up, I brought her home from the hospital, then the day after I brought Jennifer home. I didn't know from where my supervisor had this baby, and I really didn't care. What matter to me was to see Sophia's happiness of being a new mother.

"Come to Mommy again, Baby Girl.. Daddy must be tired," Sophia said, took Jennifer once again into her arms. I didn't resist her act. I loved seeing Sophia cradling Jennifer.

My eyes when to a big box beside the love chair across where I sat. "Hey, whom is it from, Pumpkin ?" I asked to Sophia, pointing at the box that was still wrapped in a gift paper.

"Oh.. an old friend from high school visited me two days ago. She somehow heard about me just laboring, then decided to visit me and gave Jennie that gift," Sophia said while breast-feeding Jennifer. "I don't know how she knew about it. I mean, I haven't told any of my school mate or college mate about it."

I frowned to hear her last sentence. "How did she know then ? and how did she know where you are ?"

Sophia shrugged. "I have no idea. She said she lives at the neighbor town, town U. She said she was new there. That was why she was so happy knowing that I live near by."

My frowns got deeper. "Did you two close back then ?"

Jennifer tried to remember for a second. "Not really. I don't even recognize her at all at first. But she was so intimate to me. She said we were best friends in high school."

"What's her name ?" I asked, becoming more suspicious.

"Joanne.. no.. Joanna," Sophia answered. "Why ?" she asked back when hearing my sharp gasp.

"No. Nothing," I said. My supervisor's name was Joanna.


"Pumpkin, did you ..." My words were halted to recognize one who was in my kitchen was not Sophia.

"What ...?!" I quickened my steps, approaching the woman who sat comfortably on our breakfast nook, drinking coffee. "What are you doing here ? and where is Sophia ?!?!" I hissed. My body was trembling because I suppressed my emotion. Still, my fists were tense, ready to attack her.

"Relax, Iggy," My supervisor hissed back at me, sipping her coffee before continued, "She is changing Jennie's diaper."

"What.. why.." I exhaled to clear my mind. "Why did you do this ?"

"I just want to get along with the one who made you dare to do all those stupid things," She said unchantantly.

"I.." I gulped my dry saliva. "I told you.. I won't do it again. I have took soul-binding to be loyal to the organization. And you promise me to leave my family alone," I reminded her.

"What did I do ? I just wanna be her friend. She seems like a nice lady and I like her," My supervisor defensed her self. "As long as you are loyal, I guarantee you their safety," she added.

"We don't.." I heard steps got near to the kitchen. I loosened up my face expression and put a smile. "So where do you live int town U ?" I changed the topic right when Sophia entered the kitchen.

"Ah.. you've made Joanna already, Honey," Sophia said cheerfully. She stood beside me while cradling Jennifer.

I nodded and wrapped her waist with my arm. "She just told me that you two were best friends at high school," I said to her lovingly.

"Yes, we were until I moved out of town in my second year," Joanna said with a wide smile. "Anyway I live at street O in town U."

"Maybe we can visit you sometimes," I said with mocking tone.

"Sure.. you are more than welcome. Just call me first, because my husband and I both are working, and we love to spend weekend hiking and camping," Joanna said casually. Lying was her second nature.

"Tom is barely home. But when he does, maybe we can visit you sometimes," Sophia said with glimmer in her eyes. Maybe she was happy her husband could be close with her best friend.

"We could even join them hiking and camping," I said, deliberately pushing Joanna to make out another excuse.

"Yes.. yes.. we could do it when Jennie is bigger. It will be fun!" Sophia said excitedly.

"Su.. sure.. we can arrange it later," Joanna said. I smirked to see her finally stuttering.


"Daddy.. !!" Jennifer stood from her seat and ran toward me once she saw me entering the house. I squatted and widened my arms ready to catch her. Once she was in my embrace, I lifted her body and twirled her on the air. She laughed in so much joy. Her laughter wiped my tiredness away in an instance.

"I miss you, Daddy," She said with her cute voice. Jennifer was already five at that time. She was the most adorable girl I've met.

"I miss you more, Sweetie," I replied her, poking her nose.

I heard steps of feet was about entering our living room from kitchen. At first I thought they were Sophia's, but my expression changed instantly knowing whose were them. Joanna.

"Jennifer, Darling.. why don't you help your mom in the kitchen," Joanna said gently to Jennifer.

Jennifer shook her head. "No. I want to play with Daddy," she refused then hugged me tight.

Joanna forced a smile on her face but glance at me with meaningful gaze.

"How about you help Mommy first. Daddy needs to freshen up. Then we can play," I suggest to Jennifer.

"Okay," Jennifer said in a little reluctant.

"Good girl." I kissed her cheek then put her down.

Once Jennifer entered the kitchen I went out the house. Joanna followed me.

"What is it ? I just came back. Can't you give me a little air to bre.."

"Your daughter is interesting," Joanna cut me. I'd known her for years to know her straightforward habit.

"What do you mean ?" I asked.

"I still not sure, but I think she is spec.."

"Leave her alone!!" I hissed to cut her words. "She is just normal ordinary girl," I denied her. analysis.

"I can't persuade her," Joanna said then turned her head to me. "That's interesting, right ?"

"Maybe you are getting old and weak," I replied and mocked her in the same time.

Joanna chuckled. "I want to bring her to our lab to be observed."

"No!!" I declined.

"It's for her best. So she could enhance her ability to the fullest. You know I'm right," Joanna said calmly.

Deep down in my mind I knew she was right. As a parent, I wanted my child to be her best in whatever she was good at. And the organization's laboratory definitely could help her. But somehow, a little part of my mind refused it.

"What do you think, Iggy ? Aren't I right ?" Joanna asked me again.

I shook my head. "No.. No.." I murmured before turning my head to Joanna and said once more, "No!"

Surprised was seen on her face hearing my rejection of her idea.

"You can use me however you want. But leave my wife and daughter alone. Never ever tried to take them into the organization," I said my decision. For the first time since I knew Joanna, I could firmly and clearly told her my decision.

Joanna saw me long and deep. I force my eyes to reply her sight with the same strength. After couple of minutes, Joanna finally nodded. "Okay. I will kept my promise as long as you keep yours," She said.

I nodded to agree.


Ten years later.

I stared at the white ceiling that was moving. I was lying on a bed while some male paramedics push me through an aisle.

"I want to claim your promise," Joanna said to me when I sat in front of her in her office a week ago, "To use you however I want."

My bed hit a hard surface, but soon I saw a double swing door was surpassing me.

"What do you want ?" I asked in cold tone. Joanna gave me her fake smile.

Two faces that wore masks and hair cap were shown on top of me.

"You are one of the best executor so far. Thus, we are thinking to enhance your ability exponentially. But I will be straight honest with you. It is still in an on going experiment," Joanna started to explain.

"Ready, Iggy ?" One of the man who wore mask asked me. I nodded.

"It still hasn't worked ?" I asked Joanna.

"The procedure works, in term that the abilities have been successfully enhanced, double even triple the original. But it still has side effect," Joanna said to me.

The man then injected some kind of liquid on my vein. I was sure it was anesthesia.

"What's the side effect ?" I asked.

"In some cases, the enhancement doesn't stop," She said.

"So.. I will die ?" I asked her again.

"It is a possibility," She answered.

"Why me ? Because I betrayed you ?"

"No, Iggy.. No.. It was long time ago. I have forgiven you."

"Then why ?"

"Something big is about to happen and we need powerful armies. And we need you to be the most powerful to lead the armies," She said with her usual calm tone that made me hard to reject her. Except that one time, ten years ago.

My mind was getting blurrier as the anesthesia started to work.

"Keep your promise, even after I died," I told her my term and condition.

When I finally drifted to a deep sleep, I still could vividly hear Joanna said, "Sure."