An Honest Conversation [2]

I stare deeply at Mrs. Rauss' eyes, finding a lie in them for a promise she just made few seconds ago. I soon remember that we are still in influence of truth serum, so she should can't utter lies. But...

"Is it a promise ?" Still I ask her to ensure it. Mrs. Rauss raises her eyebrows. "That you will safe both my baby and wife, is that a promise ?" I'm detailing my question.

"Every single words that I said back then are," She says.

I stare at her eyes deeply again. I can sense that there is something more behind her words, but I don't know what it is.

"Are you hiding something from me ?" I ask her.

"It's my turn," Mrs. Rauss reminds me. I exhale heavily to thicken my patience and eventually nod.

"Bruno told me that you can enter the sound speed space. It means you brain cells are active again. How could that happen?" Mrs. Rauss asks.

I shrug. "An accident. I was exposed by an explosion wave the I was drowned in a lake. I guess one of those two reactivated it," I answer her. Mrs. Rauss widens her eyes to hear my answer.

"So.. are you hiding something from me ?" I ask her the same question.

Mrs. Rauss smiles. "I hide a lot of things from you, my son," she says.

I chuckle. "If you ever thought of me as a son, you wouldn't dump me on a dumpster," I say to her as a mocking.

"I dumped you because I consider you as my son," she says.

I laugh hearing her words.

"What.. ? Are you saying you prefer to be dead ?" She ask me again.

"Why not. You killed your own daughter anyway," I mock her.

"I am not !" She says with high pitch. I can see a slight of guilt and regret sip out from her eyes.

"Any way, my turn.."

"What ?? I haven't asked you a question"

"You have. Didn't you ask me whether I prefer to be dead just then ?" I remind her then laugh.

"You're tricky," Mrs. Rauss grumbles.

"You were promising me that you will take out the iron cable from Jen's heart and fix her heart," I say to her, ignoring her protest, "Is there anything else that your staffs knew that can threaten her life ?"

Mrs. Rauss looks me deep in my eyes then sigh. "The iron cable's prick might damage her heart worse than just a whole. Right now, we still have no idea how bad is the effect. That's the whole truth. You can ask Paresh for yourself if you still don't believe me. If you were agreeing to come back to us, we are planning to just give her a new heart. That will solve all problems. But, because you don't want to get back to us, and ..." she changes her tone when she catches that I am about to protest, "Remember that the deal was supposed to only safe your baby. But as a return of Lily's elimination, I agree to fix her heart."

I keep my self in silent. As much as I hate to admit, it is actually a fair agreement. Knowing that the accident was not their fault, I have no power to urge more than what she has offered.

"Well ?" Her voice draws me back to reality.

"Okay," I finally agree. Mrs. Rauss smiles in relieve.

A knock on the door is heard.

"Yes, Zack ?" Mrs. Rauss answers the door knock. The door is opened a little to allow Zack's half body to be seen by us.

"Derrick call, Madam. He said your husband is in panic about your kidnapping," Zack tells with a flat tone, but his eyes glare at me at the end of his last sentence.

"Oh, right.. I forget about that," Mrs. Rauss sighs. She is then massaging her temple a little before ordering to Zack, "Please bring us the antidote right away, Zack."

"At your service, Madam," Zack replies before disappear from the door.

"Sorry, we need to end this conversation," Mrs. Rauss says then sighs, "You know your father.. he is always over protective when it comes to his family. You don't know how much heart broken he was when he heard about your dead... and then... Mila's.. " Mrs. Rauss exhales heavily. "Now he becomes more over protective to me and Penny. I bet he is already ordering his whole army to search for me now."

Her words make me remember about my father. That poor soul. He maybe one of the greatest hero of this country, but less than he knew, he is merely a puppet of his wife, and maybe mine, too. I don't know how screwed his brain is being persuaded and bent over and over again by both his wife and Mila.

I am back from my own memory when Zack is back with two bottles of clear liquid. He gives them each to Mrs. Rauss and me. Once I gulp its content, all the blur in my mind disappears.


With Mrs. Rauss being busy to solve the mess I made, Zack leads me back to the Health facility since obviously I can't enter it by my self. Zack only lets me in the facility then goes back to the main building. So alone, I walk back to where Jen is.

When the elevator that brings me to the basement opens its door, I immediately walk out of it. I can not wait to disinfectant my self and just stay right next to Jennifer again.

I walk through the aisle, throwing my gaze onto rooms behind the transparent glass on my left. There are some computers, machines, and people wearing white gowns . Couple of them are checking something on microscope while others are taking notes or busy with other things. I guess this room is kind of research lab.

I turn my head to the right. There are also rooms behind the transparent glasses wall, but most are being closed by curtain. Only Jennifer's room is opened.

As I expected, I can see Jennifer is still lies unconsciously on the bed there. But never in my worst nightmare I want to see who is standing next to her.


@@@@@ AUTHOR'S THOUGHT @@@@@

I'm sorry I skipped to publish last week. It has been very hectic these few weeks at my work and on my weekend, so I had no chance to write >.<

I hope you like this chapter! It is short because it should be a continue from previous one. Anyway, please support me with power vote. Thank youu