When the Gate of Hell is Opened

"Jen !!" I exclaim while my feet immediately approach where her body lies. I am so panic that I don't remember what I do to Sophie. I might subconsciously toss her on the bed as she cries even louder than before. Still, that do not catch my attention at all.

"Baby.. Wake up, Baby..." I whisper while trying to wake her up by shaking her shoulder hard. Still, she doesn't respond.

"Jen... please... please..." I murmur in total panic. My fingers as fast as I can hover in front of her nose, trying to feel her breath. I sigh, my panic decreasing a bit when I finally able to feel it.

I take her in my arms and put her on our bed again. Her front body is drenched wet with her breast milk. Even the floor has a puddle of her milk. In my embrace, I can feel her warmer that warm body temperature. Damn it, she gets the virus, too! I curse inwardly.

"Pete, Jen is exposed!" I say to Peter once he took my call.

"The virus ?!" He asks in surprise.

"Shit !" Peter curses. This is the first time I hear that calm man curse. "How many days has it been ?"

"I... I don't know." A huge remorse attacking my heart when I said that. I should keep her a watch, too, instead only pouring my attention to Sophie. But this is not a time for regretting. I inhale deeply ro clear my mind. "We noticed Sophie got the virus three days ago. Jen was carrying her at that moment. So perhaps, Jen got it at that moment," I inform memory that just across my mind to


"You have to bring her to hospital, Scott," Peter says. "She is a comorbid. The virus can be fatal to her."

That piece of information of course sinks my heart to the bottom. "Okay," I can only respond with that single word before and the call.

At that same moment, a weak cough is heard. My head instantly turns toward Jennifer. Jennifer coughs again before slowly opens her eyes.

"Baby..." I whisper in a huge relieve, bringing my head closer to her while rubbing her hair gently.

Fear dominates her sight when she notices my movement toward her. "Don't..." Jen whispers n hoarse voice after turning her head away from me. She coughs again. "I... I think... I get the virus."

"It's okay. Baby. I'm going to get you to hospital. Okay ?" I try hard to keep my voice sounded calm.

Jennifer nods and coughs again.

I reach my phone again to start dialing the emergency number while my sight following Jennifer's hand movement toward Sophie. "Baby... don't cry... Mommy's here..." Jennifer whispers in between her coughs while petting Sophies's tiny hand.

"Emergency Service, What's your emergency ?" A voice of a middle age man greets m.

"Yes, hello. My wife gets the virus. I need ambulance to take her to hospital," I reply to him.

"Im sorry, Sir. May I now your name ?"

"Sorry. I'm Scott Bennet, I live in .." I tell him my home address.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bennet. We can not send any ambulance there right now."

"But... my wife is a comorbid.Please, Sit.. She needs to be brought to hospital now!" I urge him, thinking he might refuse my request because of it is a low emergency.

"Calm down, Sit," The man says with a more calming tone. "It is not that we don't want to send the ambulance there. It is just.. we can not."

"Why ?"

"Don't you notice we have had snow storm for this last two days,Sir ?" He asks me instead. Actually, I didn't notice that it has been last for two days. "The snow is piling high, Sir. No vehicle can across any street in this town," he continues.

I end the call with only a short thanks.

"What's wrong ?" Jennifer asks me.

"Nothing," I answer absent-mindedly stand up.

"Baby..." Jennifer calls me, ended wit a cough. I turn my body toward her. "Where are you going ?"

"Do you need anything ?" I ask instead.

"She's hungry," Jennifer says, referring to Sophie.

That's right. I forgot the initial reason I went to downstair.

"I prepare the milk for her. Are you okay being left alone ?"

Jennifer nods.

I reluctantly leave the room and go to the kitchen. The frozen breast milk I took previously is starting to melt. I take it and start to warm it up.

After that, I decide to do what I intended to do before. I go to the front door and just open the door. A harsh wind and snow immediately attack me.

"Stupid!" I curse my self while putting all strength to close the door.

It takes me more than a minute to finally able to close back the door. when the door is closed, snow is already piling on my shoulder and hair, also lying on some surfaces of things in my living room.

I clean my self from the snow before moving few steps to the right until the window is in front of me. The man on phone was not joking. Behind the window I can see how the street condition. Snow is piling high. Its height easily can hide tires of a four-wheel-drive jeep that parks across my house. I believe that jeep is stuck there. If a jeep is stuck, even more merely an ambulance.

I sigh and go back to the kitchen. The milk should be ready by now. After transferring the milk into the baby bottle, I go back to my bed room.

"You're wet," Jennifer comments in between her coughs that sounded worse to my ears.

"I'm just checking the weather," I say with a smile, putting the pacifier into Sophie's mouth. Jennifer holds the bottle, so I release it while coughing again. I wince to imagine how hurtful her throat feel based on the cough sound.

"I will make you some chicken soup, okay," I ask rhetorically since I am going to make her the soup whether she wants it or not.

Still coughing, Jennifer can only reply me with couple of nods.

Those nods bring my feet back to kitchen. While cooking the soup, my mind is busy thinking of how I can bring Jennifer to hospital. Should I wait until the snow is melted or at least until the storm is stopped ? Can Jennifer hold on that long ? I mean, I don't know how severe the virus gets her. They said in news that the virus causes some casualty, but most of them are old ages. But then again, Peter also warned me about Jennifer being comorbid. I'm not sure what it means, but his voice sounded worry.

After merely 15 minutes, with a bowl of soup on my hand, I walk back to our bed room. My steps get fasten when faintly I hear Sophie's wail. As I arrive at the room, first thing I see is Sophie's red face as her cry getting louder. Her chest is flooded with milk that poring from the pacifier. How come ... ?

My sight immediately goes to Jennifer and I can feel all my blood rushes toward my brain as I become panic seeing her condition. Still on bed, she lies helplessly. Her face is so pale as her hand is holding her left chest that is panting, struggling to catch a breath.

"Jen !!" I shout in panic. The bowl on my hand is dropped on the floor. some of its content spilled on my feet, but I don't even bother it. I just run toward Jenifer.

"Baby... Baby.. what's wrong ?" I ask her while rest her upper body on my chest.

"I... I... can't... can't. breathe..." Jennifer tells me with so much struggle.

"No!" My panic increases exponentially. "Hold on, Baby... We'll get help, okay... Hold on..." I murmur.

My brain in reflex turns into fighter jet mode while I rush toward upstair to get oxygen can I bought for Sophie. I then uses it to help Jennifer to breathe.

In another few minutes, I already on my terrace, carrying Jenifer in piggyback. I jave had put winter jacket both on Jennifer and my self also covers a thick blanket over Jennifer.

"Please hold on, Baby.. I'm gonna get you to hospital," I whisper to Jennifer before once again turns my speed into fighter jet mode. The storming snow immediately stops, all left is thick snow flying in the air like cloud.

I grab the snow shovel that leans on my terrace gate before I put my first step to climb down the stairs that leads me to front yard.

When I reach the end of the stair, the snow is already my thigh high. I start to use my shovel to break and clear the snow from my path. One step at a time. It almost makes me lose my hope as it seems like a useless effort. The only thing that keeps me going is Jennifer's heart beat that I still can feel every half minutes. It is a very weak one, even more with all fabrics in between us. But still, it is the only strength I need to keep on going.

"Damn it !!" I curse when my shovel suddenly broke when it hit a hard snow surface. I throw the broken shovel and instead using my fists and kicks to break the ice. It requires double of my strength and slowing down triple of my time. The time that I don't have much.

Ignoring sweats that has turned into thin layer on my face or my numb and almost freezing hands, I keep breaking the ice with my kicks and clear the pieces aside. When I kick another pile of ice in front of me, suddenly I can feel Jennifer's grip is losing and her body begins to sag down.

"No.. no.. no.."

I immediately grab her bottom and carry her with both of my hands in front of my chest. Her eyes are already closed. Her face is as white as show with her mouth is half opened.

"Jen... Wake up, Baby.." I whisper into her ear. When I realize that I can not hear her breathing, I get panic. "Baby, Wake up ! Wake up, Baby !!"

I raise one of my foot to be a support so one of my hand can be used to check hr pulse. "No.. no.. no!! Please, Baby, please..." I murmur while in panic groping some other spots to check the pulse. Still, I can't feel any pulse from her.

"No !! Jen !! WAKe UP !!" I yell at her, hoping she can awake by it.

I lay her on the snow surface and giving her CPR. Still, nothing changes. "NO!! NOOO!!!!"

My mouth is starting to make a painful wail. I literally can feel my heart is breaking into pieces, knowing I lose Jennifer.

In the middle of my lamentation, a single thought across my messy mind. It stops my wail immediately. Without even thinking, I grope my phone and dial a number.

"Please..." I say in between my sob, "Safe her. Please..."

@@@@@ AUTHOR's NOTE@@@@@

I'm so sorry for the very late update. Not only because of my busy schedule, but also this chapter gave me quite trouble since I want this to be a perfect way to "end" this "1st season". So the next chapter will be "Season 2"

QUICK QUIZ : Can you tell who is one Scot called and what will happen ? Please leave your answer in a comment below ^_~