Uncle Monk [3]

I went back to the forest after I completed another mission. It was around late Spring. I didn't come alone at that time. I brought Master Long. The reason I brought him along was because I needed to make sure her root. I knew for sure she had Earth root. I was worry she also got Lightnig root, just like I was. If she did had that double trouble roots, they were needed to be 'killed, just like mine.

"She only has the Earth," Master Long's confirmation really gave me such a great relieve.

"You sure ?"

Master Long nodded. "And it is very pure," he continued his information before rubbing Sophie's hair gently. "You are such a special girl," he praised her.

Sophie grinned widely. "Thank you. My mom said that, too. I love my mom"

"How about your dad ?" I asked out of curiousity.

"I love my dad, too. But he is always busy working. Mom said Dad is a smart doctor, so he has a lot of patients to handle. I wish he wasn't that smart," Sophie ended her answer slightly sad.

"I'm sure your dad loves you very much. He works hard so he can bring you a lot of gift," Master Long said to comfort her while he gave me a glare that made me lowered my head.

"But... but..." Sophie pouted while drooping her sight to the ground, "I wanna play with Daddy..."

That last sentence of her made me decided to stay for another couple of weeks in the forest. I spent my days with her, playing in the forest. I took her hoping from tree to tree, we fed deers and rescued bears from hunters' traps. I accompanied her playing with little forest creatures whom she called her friends. She could really speak to these creatures. Amazing.

Of course, I also paid a visit to Virgin Mary hospital to have a man to man talk with Sophie's daddy. He promised me to manage his time better so he could spend more time with his daughter. And he did it, at least for the last few days before I left he did. 

That last few days, Sophie barely went to the forest. She spent her time at home, playing with her dad. I could hear her laughters from a distance that made me grew a smile whilr I was meditating. That was why I felt an ease to leave the forest. 

I guess, I need to pay another visit to the Virgin Mary hospital again.


11:22 PM

I revognize a figure that just came out of a stopping car. Finally.

Peter Thompson is still standing beside the car. His upper body is inside from the car's opened door.

"Uhum," I make a cough to signal him my presence.

Once turning to me, his face becomes pale.

"I'll... I'll see you tomorrow," He murmurs to one on the driver seat before strengthening up his upper body and close the door.

"She.. She's a potential investor for our hospital," He says a little stammer.

I don't make any response With the tail of my eyes I just watch the car goes. Peter follows my gaze.

"Nothing happened," Peter says again, still in stammered.

I sigh. He wouldn't be this nervous if nothing really happened.

"It's her birthday few minutes from now, " I remind him in a cold tone.

"I... I know. I'm about to go home to..."

"It's Sophie's birthday today," I say again, this time it's stunned him. It is obvious that he forgot about it. "She waited for you the whole afternoon," I add my information.

"I'm sorry. It was a hectic in the hospital..." Peter tries to utter his reasoning, but I cut him off. 

"Here. Thease are your gifts for them," I say while handing him a big teddy beear and a jewelry box. "And you must spend time with Sophie more often."

"Okay. I promise," Peter says meekly.

I tun away and about to leave him, but I stop and turn back to him. "Whatever you do, don't let her know. It'll break her heart."

"I didn't..."

I turn my brain to fighting jet speed and leave him alone.


The sound of an opening door forces Jennifer's eyes to open up. Still, sleepy, she turns her head to see who is coming into hr room.

"Sorry... Did I wak you up ?" Peter asks in whispery tone.

"That's okay," Jennifer replies while straightening up her body a lttle. "You missed her birthday," She then protests.

"I know. I'm sorry. I had an important meeting with a potential client," Peter says then kisses Jennifer's forehead. "I brought her a present tough. I put it beside her already. I hope she loves it."

"She always loves everything you give," Jennifer replies.

"And I don't forget about you, neither," Peter says then kisses Jenifer again, this time on her lips. He then puts a jewelry box on her laps. "Happy birthday, Darling."

"What is this ?" Jennifer asks in curious while her hands quickly undo the ties that wraps the box. "Oh, Honey... this is so gorgeous!!" Jennifer shrieks a little to see what is inside the box, series of dianonds that forms a bracelet.

"This must take your fortune," Jennifer murmurs before wearing the bracelet. "Oh, it's beautiful. Thank you, Honey.."

Jennifer kisses Peter as a thankful gesture. Peter claims her kiss and replies it with so much passion. Soon, their activities are more than just kissing.

I turn my body and walk away from the window. I try hard to deafen my ears, but still I can hear the sounds of their activities so vividly. Defying my jealousy over Peter's place that should be mine, I chant a clear mind spell that I have chanted for dozens times.

They are fine and happy, that's all what matters to me, I say to my self while entering the foret.