Wolf's Voyage

After the party ended, I then went to my room to open up the gifts that Kakashi gave me and 2 scrolls that have Aniki's and Itachi Nii's Mangekyo Sharingan patterns.

I first opened the box that Kakashi gave me. When I opened it, I was surprised to see a tri-pronged Kunai that has a huge seal at its handle that is more clear than the one Jiji gave me as study material. There was also a note that says:

"I found this note on Minato Sensei's house when I decided to clean up the place. It has more detailed notes and it might also give you the final push to finish your Hiraishin Formula. Good luck!" Kakashi's note says.

I then opened the lower part of the box and saw a small booklet containing much more detailed note seals about the Hiraishin.

After I read the first part, I then decided to see the 2 scrolls first.

I opened Itachi Nii's scroll first and a letter appeared with a black scroll.

"Hello Otouto, Advance Happy Birthday. The Sandaime told us that you're going on a long mission that's why you celebrated your birthday in advance so we prepared a gift for you. Anyways, I've already done what you've told me to when I told you that Orochimaru joined our organization. I conned him for a way to cure me of my illness and it was a success. I won't tell the details since it would have been a long story if I tell it here. Also if you are worried that he had done something to me when he cured me, I've already checked and Shisui was there when he cured me. Anyways, that black scroll contains my Amaterasu and you can use it as life insurance if ever you are in danger on your mission. So never open it unless necessary. Always be careful Otouto."

After I read the letter, I then went to my table and created a lock seal for the scroll. The lock will only open the scroll if I insert my chakra on it as a way of insurance if ever anyone gets a hold of it, especially my loved ones.

After that, I then went to the other scroll that has Shisui Aniki's Mangekyo Sharingan symbol and opened it. A letter and a silver mesh shirt appeared once I released the content of the scroll.

"Yow, Otouto. Advance Happy Birthday. I won't be telling you why I know that it's your birthday celebration since Itachi would tell you anyways. Also, don't be confused about my gift to you since that is no ordinary mesh shirt. That is a Mithril Mesh Shirt, if you don't know what Mythril is, it is a silver-colored ore that is stronger than any metal but as light as a feather. That will protect you from any stab or slash on any part of your body covered by the shirt. If you don't believe me then you are free to experiment on it before you wear the shirt. Anyways, both of us are running out of ideas for gifts so don't hate on the gift okay. Also, be very careful on your mission to Kirigakure and your solo mission. Remember that all of us are waiting for your safe return.

P.S. If you'll be able to arrive on Konoha a year and a half later, we would be able to meet again in Konoha so be careful. Ja ne!"

After reading the letter, I then hold the mesh shirt and channeled a bladed claw technique on the item. Normally, this would create a hole on the shirt but it didn't. After that, I did some hand seals and used a small Fireball to the shirt. I then touched it if it became hot but it didn't.

"So it doesn't heat up even though it's still metal. That's good to know." I said.

After that, I put it in the closet near my Anbu uniform. I then took a shower and went to bed early to get ready for tomorrow.


The next day, I made my last goodbye to my mom and the others that went to my house to bid me farewell.

After that, I went to the Anbu HQ but not before changing to my uniform.

Our uniform for this mission is a cloak with the standard Anbu uniform underneath. Our subordinates wore black cloaks while Neko and I wore gray.

Underneath my Anbu standard uniform, I wore a black T-shirt to hide the mesh shirt underneath. I have my bracers on with my necklace that Shisui Aniki gave me when I was younger.

When I arrived at the HQ, I was the only one that was missing, so after we briefed one last time, we went on our long journey to Kirigakure at the Land of Water.

To get to the Land of Water, we needed to travel to the Land of Waves first to get to the boat that would bring us to Kirigakure.

Even though we left the village as early as we can, we still arrived at the Land of Waves around 3 pm.

We then ate our lunch, while Ox and Monkey went to find the boat and its driver that would transport us to the Land of Water.

After 30 minutes of waiting, Ox and Monkey then came back with another person that seems like a Ninja.

The person has Blue hair which is styled in a moused-up manner. His left eye was color blue and he had a black eye patch on his right eye. He also wears a talisman on each ear that has the kanji of a humble form of "to hear".

"Good day, my name is Ao and I am Terumi Mei's, right-hand man. I come to guide you to our base camp located at the south side of the Land of Sea." Ao said.

"Good day to you as well Ao san. My codename is Neko and this is my co-Captain, Wolf. We are the ones in charge of this group." Neko said while I nodded at Ao, which he also reciprocated.

After that, we then went to the docks to board the boat that will take us to the Land of Sea.

'This marks a new adventure for me.' I thought as I looked at the vast sea.

I didn't know by this time that this mission will also introduce me and my title to the whole Elemental Nations.