first contact

The four satans gathered around, as one of the realm guards (AN: made up) had returned with vital info, that yokai have amassed at the border, and whats more their warning.,..

A declaration of war in 3 days prior…but what was more interesting was…

"Apparently this war was brought on because yokai have gone missing inside his… Night Parade… i heard there have been huge movements, as most yokai in japan have allied together under a 'nura clan' and he is now a king of yokai."

One of the satans spoke, and he finished it off saying "as a king of yokai, he someone that cares deeply for his fellow yokai. And he is hoping to shelter them under his power, and be whip that guides them."

He said matter of factly, as if he knew the guy… but the next words in his mouth were full of disdain "however, how can a mere yokai compare to us devils?"

There hadnt been a proper yokai on the level of maou, in centuries, and even if their was, they usually stayed so far apart that they didnt even bother each other…

Yokai stayed hidden from other forces, and were rather hard to detect sometimes…

All fouir of the satans were wondering if this was actually gonna be a war, or a massacre… only time will tell…

However a logical sirzechs spoke up somewhat stating the obvious "this will either be a war, witch will reduce our numbers even more, or this is merely a sheltered yokai that doesnt know the price of his own arrogance… costing him his entire 'night parade' and his new 'kingdom' as such i say we send a envoy. And test the waters."

Says sirzechs, everyone agreed… even if it was someone on the level of saten, they could deal with it themselves… if they banded together, but if it was someone higher then that… well… one can only pray.

They had three days to prepare… and they were sitting at their borders, threatening to sweep across the entire underworld should they actually be a threat…

Thankfully their was a few yokai turned devils, who can assess the threat as well… but of course they had to investigate the claims they had…

"We must also investigate, the claims he started this 'war' on… hopefully we can achieve a peaceful resolution before the yokai starts, and should he prove more powerful then expectations witch is unlikely… we must do everything we can prevent the war."

Indeed they were going to send a band of yokai turned devil along with one of the four satans…

"Sirzechs… since you have a calm mind, why dont you go?"

The red haired bishonen nodded… agreeing with his assessment… he doenst want a war where there are needless blood-shed… so hopefully he can convince the leader of this group, this king, Nurarihyon to call it off…


As i was slowly extending my senses to cover the entire underworld…

I saw legions under the 72 pillars place themselves around the forest we were residing…

They wouldnt attack of course… while all is fair in war… these three days, is like a prep time for everyone, they can go at each others throats in 3 days anyway.

I senses a large amount of magical energy coming our way… and by large i mean immense… as expected of a satan class entity…

But sadly even if 100 of you came at me, it wont be enough… and even if sirzechs went super devil mode, i can still obliterate him… psh… i could level this entire underworld!

However, even with that confidence, i still had to be careful, sirzechs is like a thorn with his power of destruction, you can never be too careful…

And i knew this signature was a dark and destructive one by his aura…

Following him, were those with chakra, or natural life energy, but in essence were entirely different beings to us… they were yokai turned devils…

A disgrace to all yokai kind… to abandon ones own race, in exchange for another.

Thinking thus far… i had kubinashi go meet them… "go kubinashi, we have guests… and please show them their place."

Kubinashi POV

I will always follow nurarihyon… i am both enthralled by his fear, his charisma.

But its more than that. Much more… i wont explain how or why, but feel like he is the key for the yokai to rise, to rise and soar in the moon-lit sky.

And i want to see that… to be apart of it… and follow on his back….

As such i take my job as his close aid very seriously…

He granted me power unlike ive ever felt before, i feel like i can decimate a world right now… move mountains, make seas… also i had a new partner kurama…

He is a giant fox and he is practically a giant mass of chakra, and life energy…

His voice can be heard in my mind… as i saw the picture of him lazing around in my mindscape…

"Your job is boring." kurama pointed out, so brazenly… but i disagreed…

"Its necessary, and its not boring, i get to watch over the supreme commander, and make sure he is safe and sound."

Kubinashi said this inwardly inside his mind… as he retorted him…

It was also at this point… that his supreme commander interrupted his conversation

"Kubinashi, we have guests… go and receive them, and make sure they know their place."

Immediately i nodded… with confidence and surety…

"Yes, supreme commander."

I made my way outside the tent and extended my senses, and went towards them… one of them had a great deal of magical energy, and he radiated darkness and destruction inside his body… while the surrounding devils, were once yokai…

They smiled towards me… but i didnt smile back… instead, i let loose my utterly colossal energy… that created spider webbed cracks on the ground, it extended outward, and utterly crushed the group… even the satan in front of him was having trouble just standing in his presence…

However as soon as it came, it was retracted just as fast…

"Hehehe…" he could hear kurama laughing in his mind… as they shared senses…

Alarm and a calm sadness could be seen on sirzechs face…

This was when he opened his mouth and...