

Satoru Suzuki aka Ainz ooal gown had just gotten back from E-rantel disguising as Momon so that he could get some information from the people from this world, Ainz walked toward his throne chair.

Albedo noticed his presence, then she greeted him with a bow. "Ains-sama, I am truly happy to see you return safe and sound."

"Albelo, raise your head, so anything happened to Nazarick while I wasn't present?" He asked.

"No, nothing happened Ains-sama, everything was normal." She said,

"I see." Then Ains sat down in his chair so that he could relax, as he sat down he thought inside his mind. 'Man, acting all-knowing is hard...either way I succeed becoming an adventurer in E-rantel, now it's time for me to think of how to get the information I want in this world..'

As he was about to make his future plans suddenly, a screen suddenly appeared above him, making him stand up from his chair! He couldn't keep his calm after seeing this screen appear out of nowhere!

Seeing Ains standing up like he was surprised by something. Albedo worriedly asked. "Ains-sama?! Is this anything wrong?!"

"A-ah..cough- no nothing is wrong, actually I just remembered something important that's all Albedo I'll go in my room, I'm rather exhausted from my trip now if you'll excuse me." Without waiting for her response, he teleported into his room.

Albedo wasn't a fool, she noticed that something must've happened to her Lord, however, she had no idea what it was! She had to call all of the Nazarick guardians for this! She can't solve this crisis on her own.


Inside Ains room,

Ains was looking at the screen with his skeleton face, it wasn't his fault that he couldn't make any expression other than being solemn, but inside he was greatly surprised by this because this screen was similar to that, game screen in Yggdrasil! Naturally seeing this familiar screen was definitely surprising to him, he thought he came back into the game world, but after observing it for a while he realized that his assumptions were wrong, he wasn't back in the game, rather it was an invitation for him to join this certain group chat?

Knowing this he became cautious because this might be a trap that is set by someone...however a part of him is telling him that he should accept, it might be the only way for him to go back to his world, so after hesitating for a moment, he ultimately decided to accept this suspicious GC invitation.

[ You have accepted the Group Chat Invitation! ]

[ A Not So Friendly Skeleton has joined the Unnamed Group Chat! ]

He somehow expected this, since this was no different from being invited in a group chat back in his original world since it was similar. It was no surprise that he could chat in the GC, since he wasn't so sure about why he was invited, he decided to say something that had to do with magic.

Though, he wondered why he was named like that.

A Not So Friendly Skeleton: Is this some kind of advanced magic? Interesting…


Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? ( So I'm a spider, so what? )-

Kumoko got out of The Great Elroe Labyrinth. she finally got to see what the outside world looks like, naturally she was extremely happy after what she experienced in that hellish place, without sunlight, only darkness, and a whole lot of monsters everywhere, that place is hell on earth.

But now she's free from that hellish place or what she thought so, right after she got out of that place, humans started attacking her to kill her, it wasn't a very pleasant welcome but she knows their reason for attacking her because she's a bonafide monster at least what her appearance currently looks like because they attacked her she counter them naturally, no one likes to be attacked and that includes her.

As she used a magic skill, one shot and everything ended so easily that it made her quite speechless, she didn't think that the fortress that those humans made easily collapsed! But again they deserved it so she silently left the humans, without checking who died and not.

After that human incident, she happily observed everything outside. Kumoko suddenly had an urge to be in a human town, so she immediately searched for one, then before she could find one, she suddenly thought of the consequences. In the end, she decided to not go to a human town, knowing what's going to happen to her, she's a monster. Obviously, even a fool would understand that.

Then she decided to scroll around rather than looking for a human town, which would bring her harm, as she was walking around with her 8 spider legs, all of sudden a notification appeared right in front of her face, it says.

[ Do you want to achieve human form as soon as possible? Join the Group Chat! ]

[ Yes/ No you can't refuse ]

Seeing this very suspicious text right in front of her face, she became rather cautious after all this system text is rather different from her status panel, the design is different, the color is different, most importantly why the heck can't she refuse?! If not suspicious then what is this?!

She exclaimed in her mind. 'What the heck is this obviously suspicious-looking invitation?! Is this D way of pranking me?! If so then this ain't funny D!'

As she thought that D was the culprit of this strange Group chat Invitation, all of sudden a portal appeared out of nowhere, then a phone fell in front of her. Kumoko was familiar with this, obviously, this was D!

"Oi! Are you the one who did this D?! It ain't a funny prank you know?!" Kumoko irritatedly shouted at the phone, then D replied with a solemn tone.

"It wasn't me, do you think I'm bored enough to do this pointless invitation prank? Tell me the details about this Group Chat you saw, because I can't see it myself!" D seriously said.

Hearing this from D, Kumoko was stunned, she wondered who was the culprit of this invitation….and another thing it seems that only she can see this weird invitation!

A bold thought suddenly appeared inside her mind. 'If she can't see this invitation..then I may be able to get out of her grasp right?'

"You know I can hear your thoughts right? What is the point of hiding it from me?" D said in an amused tone.

"....Oh right." Kumoko's hope vanished in an instant, then when she thought that D is going to eliminate her, D spoke.

"I won't eliminate you for that reason, don't be dramatic okay? Anyway, the most important thing is you should join that Group Chat and gather information for me." D commanded her.

"I can't even refuse this invitation in the first place…" Kumoko smiled wryly at the screen in front of her, she could see 'No' in the GC invitation, plus there is also a timer that she would automatically be invited, so her choices are basically join now or to join later. (LOL)

"What an interesting invitation...since it's the case then go accept it already!" D ordered.

Kumoko helplessly accepted the Group Chat invitation.

[ You have accepted the Group Chat Invitation! ]

[ I'm A Spider, So What? has joined the Unnamed Group Chat! ]

As she joined this Group Chat, she couldn't help but say. "It's more normal than I thought, like a normal GC for gamers."

"Now, that is certainly interesting! For now, act like you are surprised." D replied.

Kumoko could only helplessly follow D's instruction, she hated being held back the most actually but, at a time like this, she could only follow this mysterious Evil God, because there is no way she could beat D.

So Kumoko studied its basic function for a moment then she realized that she could type using her thoughts making it easier for her, who doesn't have a hand!

Her first words in the Group are.

I'm A Spider, So What? : What? What is this?!


Kazuma's first members arrived at his humble Group Chat, so he observed his members' name, he pondered for a moment before saying. "I'm not sure who this Skeleton is, but I can 100% say that this spider is from 'Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?' series...I can't remember that mc's name but at least i know she's a spider and a female...what a weird combination, a skeleton and a spider as my first member huh? Ain't trying to make a halloween party but my luck wasn't too bad after all this spider is quite powerful as for the skeleton...I'll figure out their identity later but for now i'll join the conversation."

Administrator: First of all, I thank you for accepting my invitation.

I'm A Spider, So What?: Accepting yeah? Not so sure about that, can't even refuse the invitation in the first place!

A Not So Friendly Skeleton: So you're the individual who invited me? State your purpose!

I'm A Spider, So What?: Although I don't know you, I'm with you for now! Exactly what's the purpose of this Group Chat anyway!

Administrator: Well, I intended to explain begin with, so it's like this.

Kazuma started to explain the reason why they were invited to this group, he just repeated the system words but with a slight change.

