Good And Nice

Lycster attempted to reach for a box on the higher shelf. It was a bedroom set that included a miniature set of toys, in which there was a stuffed bunny. But the young boy was not tall enough to reach for it. He tiptoed and stretched his hands high up but was still not able to reach for it. 

Just as his fingertips were able to hold onto one corner of the box, a child who was running through the store ran straight into Lycster, causing him to fall onto his side; onto a small stack of toys that were on display. 

The child who had ran into him also fell down, face first and slightly bruised on his knees. Everything happened in a split second and Vy could not grab hold of Lycster in time. The stack of toys broke his fall but their sharp edged bruised his skin. 

"Lycster! Are you alright," Vy exclaimed in shock, rushing forward to make sure he was alright. 

The kid who had fallen face first was bawling his eyes out as his knees were bruised and red.