Class Demonstration

Vy shook her head, "Oh no, we're not. We're actually here to look for a Summoner, I'm in need of a Familiar."

"Ah I see, in that case, the best person to help will be Mrs Peterson. But…" Loraine held out her wand and waved it over her left hand.

Almost immediately, a red leather-bound journal appeared in her hands. She flipped through the pages to find the information she needed.

"Mrs Peterson is currently teaching a class, so she won't likely be free. However, it says here she's teaching a class on summoning creatures. Quite a fun one I must say. She might just be able to accommodate you." Loraine continued as she closed her notebook, "She does love a live demonstration."

The notebook disappears out of her hands with the blink of an eye. She then proceeds to whisper words onto her open palm. Vy and Lycster looked on in bewilderment. It was common to use small amounts of magic, but they had never quite seen it used in this way.