All Eyes On You

In the days that followed, Vy and Lycster remained in Timbretune. It had been quite some time since they returned to Timbretune, so there was much catching up to do. Both siblings had difficulty readjusting back to the norm, but with time things got back on track. 

Word of Vy's return to Timrebtune soon travelled to the ears of the Baron and he was already busy making plans. The humiliation he had suffered was still fresh in his mind. He had become the laughing stock of high society after Vy threw him into the dungeon. 

This time, he was going to be more careful. He had acquired some interesting information regarding Vy. Baron Koufer was going to use it against her, to paint her as the villainess. But knowing that he could not enter Timbretune, he needed to bring her to him.