Errand Girl

Zylphy moved uneasily in her seat. In her hand was a light brown case file that held the information on an upcoming task for their new errand girl. Since the initial negotiations have gone well, she had full confidence that her superior would give his approval. 

As the sweat droplets trickled down the side of her forehead, she quickly wiped them away with her hands, before wiping her hand on her dress pants. 

"Dang it," she muttered to herself. 

Why were her palms so sweaty? Why was she so nervous? Just then, the door to the meeting room opened and outwalked a neatly dressed man with round-rimmed glasses and a bow tie around his neck. He wore a knitted sweater over his light blue dress shirt and a pair of ironed black pants. 

"Miss Zylphy, Mr Gunn is ready to see you." the man said as he readjusted his glasses. 

Zylphy stood up and dusted her hands off her dress pants, "Thank you, Nate."