It Is Best To Be Heard

After the formalities, the Morning Court Session began. The first matter of discussion was the Republic of Mothylek's request of passage through Papillion. The nobility in court was made up entirely of the four ruling families. Each family had brought forth at least two representatives who governed an area of the Kingdom's management. 

Every twelve years, those in power would hand off their work to those who came next in line from a different family. This not only ensured an equal balance, but it also ensured that each ruling family were knowledgeable in all facets of maintaining the Kingdom and management of the well being of their subjects. 

The Kingdom of Papillion was an old and proud Kingdom. Their loyalty was to their Goddess Papillion, where the namesake of their Kingdom came from, and to each other. Traditions were part of the lives of all citizens. 

Everyone knew who they were, and they knew their places in society. No one steps out of line.