Riding Under The Stars

To remain as discreet as possible, Sylvy was dressed like a commoner, far different from the royal outfits that she wore as King. The only thing that gave her identity away would be the pendant she wore around her neck, which was hidden beneath her clothing.

Beyond the confines of the castle, no one really knew who and how the King looked like. This allowed them to blend in easily and leave the walls of Papillion with ease. Sylvy wore a cloak to cover her face, just in case someone might recognise her. A proper lady who was unmarried should not be seen in public, especially so late in the night. 

Seeing the way Ramas scouted their surroundings for safety, Sylvy wondered what he did before he came to Papillion. As she looked around their surroundings, she also wondered where Lycster was. 

"I did errands," Ramas replied Sylvy's question on what he did before he came to Papillion. He hoped that she would not ask him any follow-up questions.