Piecing It Together

As soon as Lady Yvon saw her son step through the door, she stood up immediately. 

"Mother…" before he could say anything, Eskyl felt a slap across his face. 

"What on Earth did you think you were doing?!" Lady Yvon exclaimed. 

But before he could reply, his mother cupped his face in her hands with worried eyes. He always was her favourite, despite how tough she was on him. No matter what he did, his mother was always there to defend and protect him. 

"It all went to my head," Eskyl explained. 

Lady Yvon looked to the sides before she whispered to her son, "We need to get you out of here. Before the King finds you."

"Brighter days," Sylvy greeted her mother as she entered the room before she continued, "I already found him, Lady Yvon. You need not worry about that."