On The Run

After another two days, the snowstorm finally settled. The entire landscape was covered in a thick blanket of snow. There were no traces of footprints and few physical landmarks apart from a few rock formations. 

With the weather cleared, it was time for them to make haste on their journey. Although there wasn't a time limit for them to get to Trilantis, they were off schedule. Vy took to her raven form and flew up into the sky with Aether by her side to survey the surrounding area. 

Once she knew where they needed to head to next, she flew back down to ground-level to inform Lycster. Dygo was not going in the same direction as them, so this was where they bid farewell to one another. 

"I guess this is goodbye," Vy said with a smile. 

"Yes, it is. Farewell, Vyrena. Till we meet again," he replied. 

"Till we meet again," she echoed his words.