Reading The Signs

Aether looked at the blood-soaked bandages, this was not a good sign. Lycster got worried seeing Aether unmoving and silent. His sister's Familiar was usually silent, but somehow he had a nagging feeling that this silence spelt trouble. 

When he came over to Aether's side, Lycster saw it for himself. 

"That… that's not good, is it," Lycster asked. 

Aether shook his head. 

They needed to figure out a way to heal Vy's wounds. At the very least, they needed to find a way to stop the bleeding. If the bleeding continues, she could bleed to death. Out in the cold and wintery landscape, it would be difficult for her to survive as well. 

"A healing hot spring right about now would be helpful," Lycster sighed as he recalled the Hot spring pools of Yama Yoma that his sister and he had soaked in. 

-Indeed, it would be good. Even if there is one out there, we need to focus on getting her injuries healed first.- Aether replied.