Delivery From Afar

"What's that?" Lycster asked as he looked towards the direction that Aether was looking at. 

Aether flew up to the tree and looked at the mechanical bird closely. When he got near, the bird examined Aether. 

"Message for Vyrena Blackfire," the bird chirped, "Message and delivery for Miss Vyrena Blackfire from the Dwarven Jewelsmith Guild Jeweller Yudritch!"

Upon hearing the name, Lycster found it familiar. Where had he heard of this name before? As he searched his memory hoping to find a clue, the bird chirped again with more clues. 

"Delivery of the first rose quartz healing bed that was ordered." the bird chirped. 

"Oh Yudritch, the dwarf who sold us our spatial storage jewellery!" Lycster exclaimed. 

-A rose quartz bed?- Aether thought. With access to some of Vy's memories, Aether brightened up. 

The healing properties of the rose quartz could be just what they need to help heal Vy's wounds!