Murals Of A Pharoah

"We're not alone," Vy whispered

Her voice echoed down the dimly lit hallway. As they looked around, their attention quickly turned to the murals that lined both sides of the wall. Aether was intrigued by them as well, but a series of sounds in the distant had his attention.

"These… these pictures seem to be telling a story, sis," Lycster whispered to Vy.

Vy took a closer look at them. As she quickly glanced at the murals that ran down the hallway, Vy realised that her brother was right. Each mural depicted a scene. But some of the paint had faded over time. The first mural depicted a scene.

Out of everything that was painted in the murals, there was a common theme throughout. 

"Is it just me, or are there a lot of cats?" Lycster asked.

Her brother was right.