Skollwood Adventures Part 14: Together

"But this isn't a date." Vy blurted out. 

The moment the words left her mouth, she quickly covered her mouth with both hands. If she could die of embarrassment on the spot, she would have done so immediately. Looking up at Dygo, she could not read his expression at all. 

The man had a skull for a head, after all, he did not have the facial muscles to form any facial expressions. 

"I… I did not mean it that way! I meant… this… we just…" 

"It's alr-"

"It's not that I would not date you or anything like that! I mean I totally would, but I…" the more she tried to form coherent sentences in her mind, the more she fumbled. 

"What I am trying… trying to say is, thank you for the flowers."

She received the bouquet from him and brought it close to her nose to smell the fragrance of the roses. 

"Ah, these are umm… frost roses. They don't have any fragrance," Dygo commented.