Not Returning

Vy could hear her heart in her ears as sweat trickled down her face. El signalled her to remain as quiet as possible. They both remained hidden behind two large trees, hoping that the spider beast would not hear or see them. 

The rest who came with them also did their best to remain hidden. Some of them covered their mouths to prevent themselves from making any sound. Vy could not resist sneaking a peek of these spider beasts that constantly terrorised them. 

Vy carefully tilted her head and looked out from beyond the safety of the tree. In the distance, she could see a giant spider, about the size of a fully grown lion. It had eight long legs and a large round body. 

It had the upper torso that looked vaguely humanoid before ending with the head of a spider with curved fangs protruding from its mouth. Vy squinted her eyes and realised that the spider beast had six eyes, each of them was like a round red ruby bead.