More Than Meets The Eye

With the information gathered from the Spider Queen, Vy felt a little more confident with the plan. Before she had left, Queen Willow gave her one more piece of crucial information. 

Not all of the spider beasts in the Jungle were under her control. Some of them, if not most of the regular spider beasts, were wild. If she was in the vicinity, she would have some degree of control over them. 

But if she is not, they roam to kill. 

Vy thanked the Queen for her hospitality. Much to her surprise, when she woke up the next day, Vy found herself next to the wall. When she looked all around, she saw no traces of Red Silk, the Queen or any of spider beasts for that matter. 

When she checked on her weapons, all of them were still intact. 

"They must have moved me while I was asleep," she figured.