Life On The Line

"With something explosive," Vy replied with a grin. 

"Does this mean you're not telling us the exact nature of what you have planned?" Cass asked as she folded her arms. 

"That is correct."

Cass nodded. She also noticed the weapon Vy was carrying on her. 

"Where did you get that from?" Cass asked as she pointed at the weapon. 

"That's the second thing. I am asking all the different survivor groups to escape together. This is from one of the groups as proof of their existence."

"That doesn't prove anything. You could have gotten it off a corpse for all we know." Cass rebutted. 

There were too many unanswered questions with this human. The more information is revealed, the more questions there were waiting for them. Vy knew she would be met with scepticism and resistance.