Eyes From The Sky

The next day, Aether and Lycster left the hotel after breakfast to begin their search. To make things easier, Lycster took to his owl form, flying through the sky searching for any signs and scent that would linger in the air. 

Aether did the same. He used a cloak spell to camouflage himself. A large winged serpent flying through the sky during the day would have raised too much suspicion. 

Aldergard City was massive, spanning across a wide area. With only the two of them, it took them forever to cover just one part of the city. With each passing day they spend searching, the trace of the scent would become fainter. 

"Is there no better way to search?" Lycster asked. 

They both landed on the rooftop of one of the buildings as the sun was about to set on the horizon. Lycster covered his eyes with his hand to prevent the sunlight from obscuring his line of vision.