Keeping Promises

Vyrena was not about to take this lying down. But her mind was no longer in the present. She was in a different plane of existence. The ground beneath was like a mirror. When she looked down, she could see her own reflection. 

Has she always looked like that, she wondered to herself. 

She looked down at her arms, she did not have any wounds on her. Just then, she felt a huge feeling of pressure forced down upon her. No matter how much she struggled she could not withstand it. 

Soon, she was on her knees, then she was pressed against the mirror-like ground. She could feel herself suffocating under the pressure. But Vyrena had no tears in her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to fight back. 

But no matter how many times she tried, she could not get herself up. She needed to get back to the present. If she stayed in her mind for too long, she might just end up here forever. 

-I thought you were ready to give up.- A familiar voice hissed.