You've Been Gone

"Well, what are we waiting for?" El exclaimed excitedly as she saw the last few meters of the tunnel before them. 

Vyrena was ready to go through it and everyone followed closely behind. They had all been through a lot together, through thick and thin. The freedom they have hoped and wished for was finally within grasp. 

Vyrena was one of the first few to leave the tunnel. The blinding light of the sun hurt her eyes. It took her a while to get readjusted. An intense heat surrounded her as she looked all around. Looking down at her feet, she realized she was standing on sand. 

They were in the middle of a desert. In every direction she looked, all she could see was sand. But this was not unfamiliar grounds to her. Vyrena had been through a desert before. She even had quite the adventure in a pyramid with her brother and familiar.