Everyone Has Their Eye On It

Vy never thought she would ever hear that name again. Even if she did, she had hoped it would be a much longer time from now. Seeing Vy's lack of a reply, Caster wondered if Vy did not want to meet him. 

"Milady, if you do not wish to meet with him, I can-"

She could understand why he had thought that way. Indeed Vy very much would like to forget all that had happened and put the past behind her. But sometimes, it is best to face them head-on. 

"No no, it's alright. Umm… send him in. I will meet him in the Drawing Room," Vy swiftly replied after collecting her thoughts. 

She wondered why he was here. Remembering the memories of the past left a bad taste in her mouth. But Vy was not about to hide away from meeting him. She made her choices then, she would live up to them now.