Cold Weather, Hot Drinks

Over the next few days, Vy was focused on her ice cream cart business. She was working on perfecting the three flavours, getting her friends to try them out so that she could improve the recipes. 

After some alteration, she was finally ready to start selling. Word on her experiments had somehow made it through the grapevine of the town so there were many who were curious for a taste. 

But the townsfolk were a little skeptical about her ice-cold treats. How could something that tastes so cold taste good? Although she's had good reviews from her friends, Vy wanted some real opinions from customers on the streets. 

What had begun as a hot sweltering summer day, unfortunately, turned into a day of dark clouds and rain. Vy sighed as she noticed the first few drops of rain falling from the ground, dying it in shades of grey. 

"Looks like day one, is a bust," Vy sighed.