Function's of the Phone

Chapter 2

Function's of the Phone

In the Forest, you can see Michael gathering thousands of small stones in a single place.

"Phone I want to sell all these stones, how much is it?" Michael asked the Phone.

The Phone replied "By selling all of these small stones you can get 1,200 PP"

"Hahaha great, all my hard work finally paid off," Michael said happily.

"What can I get with all this PP, Phone?" Michael asked again.

The Phone Showed him the items.

"Sword cultivating manual - 200 PP

Qi cultivating manual - 200 PP

Demon Sword - 1000 PP

Holy Sword - PP 1000 PP

One Finger One World Technique - 300 PP

Boost Pill Qi gathering - 500 PP

Water Bottle - 1 PP

A Whole Pack Of Donut's - 3 PP

1 Big Mac - 1 PP

Chaos Cultivating Manual 100,000,000 PP




"Wow" replied the stunned Michael.

Michael calmed down first and scrolled down.

After Michael decided the thing he would but he said "Phone I would like to buy the Qi Cultivation and Sword Cultivation Manual"

The Phone replied "Yes Master"

"Master, please check your inventory," The Wuxia Phone said after he purchased the items.

"I have an inventory? why didn't you tell me earlier so that I could've just put the stones in the inventory?!"

The Phone being the smartass it was said "You didn't ask, Master"

Michael got a tick mark on his forehead but the young man knew he couldn't fight the Phone so he just sighed. "Sigh"

Then he spoke shaking his head."Alright you got me, just direct me to the inventory"

The Phone replied "Yes Master"

The Phone opened the inventory and Michael saw the Manuals he bought earlier in the shop.

Then he tapped the Qi Cultivating Manual he saw the description saying -

-Manual for cultivation - you will only be able to use this manual if you do not have cultivation or you're at the Qi gathering stage.

PS - this is the strongest Qi Gathering manual-

When Michael read the last part he was quite stunned because this simple manual is actually the strongest for Qi Gathering.

And he wondered how many stages there is in cultivation so he decided to ask the Phone. "Phone how many cultivation stages are in this World?"

The Phone Explained "There's actually 8 cultivation stages in this Realm the Qi Gathering, Foundation establishment, Gold Core, Soul Wandering, Nascent Soul, Ensoulment, Nihility,.And Ascension. Each Stage has at least 10 levels"

"There are actually so many Cultivation Stages in this Realm, sigh," Michael said sadly.

And the phone instantly replied saying "Don't worry Master, with the Wuxia Phone you will rise faster than the greatest prodigy in this World"

Michael instantly beamed up and said. "You're right with you here I will never worry again!"

And then Michael realize. "What if I lose you? won't I die?"

The Phone then replied like it was boasting. "Master I am actually bound to your soul so you can be relaxed"

Michael instantly relaxed and said "Haa, you really got me worried there for a sec"

After that, the system said, "Would you like to use/no Qi Gathering Manual?"

Michael press "use" and he instantly gained all of the knowledge in the manual.

His headaches a little before it disappeared. When he gained the knowledge of the manual he instantly sat down in lotus position and held his hands near his dantian in a circle and started meditating.

6 Hours later

Michael woke up from his meditation and he instantly realized the difference between his earlier body and now.

Earlier his body was like a flabby shit but now his body has a full 6 pack and his arms are so rip (Not super rip like those of bodybuilders more like that of a swimmer's but rip) and his legs is so amazingly ripped like that of an athlete.

Then he looks around for the nearest pond and saw good looking face rid of all of its baby fats.

Michael then asked the Phone "Phone what happened while I was meditating?"

The Phone instantly replied "You broke through all levels of Qi Gathering that is why you so rip now"

Michael got shocked by this and he stood around like a scarecrow.

"But how is that possible, when I read Wuxia novels it wasn't like this, they need to go through days just so they can breakthrough one level of their Cultivation"

The Phone proudly replied "That's because their cultivation manual are trash, mine is the strongest cultivation manual so it's only natural that you broke through all 10 levels"

Michael laughed and said "Hahahaha Of course"

Michael then ask "Do I have a stats or something?"

The Phone replied "Of course Master, all you have to do is say 'status' in my speaker"

Michael put his mouth close to the audio sound of the Phone and said "Status"


Status Page

Name:Michael Wilson



Hp - 50000

Qi - 10000

Str - 100.0

Vit - 100.0

Dex - 100.0

Attack - 10000

Defense - 5000

PP - 800

Spirit Stone - 0


Michael looks at his stat and felt proud for some reason.

Michael then look at the Spirit Stone

section and ask the Phone

"Where can I get a Spirit Stone?"

The Phone replied "You have to earn it by joining a sect so they can give you spirit Stone every month it depends on the sect how much they will give you or you can do jobs like blacksmithing or alchemy or hunting it depends on you how you are going to earn it"

"Or I can just buy it in the shop" Michael smugly replied

But the Phone's next words defeated his smug face "Yes, you can buy it in the shop but it will cost you 1000 PP"

"...aah damn it


Thank You for reading The Wuxia Phone I really appreciate it, please point out if I made a mistake so that I can fix it thanks.

Goodnight Everyone and thank you.