

Michael dressed up into his hoodie and jump out of his window. He flew to the skies and searched for someone nearby.

He saw Huang Li and Ying Ying yelling the same thing too. He landed behind them and tap them behind their shoulders.

They turned around and saw Michael standing behind them.

"Michael, where were you? The announcement of the Sect Master has already started" Huang Li said in surprise.

"I was sleeping I'm my room, till I heard people shouting "We Are The Vermillion!" Which was very weird to me" Michael replied.

"That is because, today we're all going to fight with the Black Sect and the Blossom Flowers Sect, and when the Disciples and Elders learned this, they loss their morals, so the Sect Master inspired them by saying our popular saying, The Vermillion Bird."

"So as you can see, they're in a really high moral right now" Ying Ying explained.

"But do they really have to shout that kind of thing, in 2:00 am of the morning?" Michael asked them.

Huang Li just shrugged his shoulders and said " Well, it doesn't really matter, but going to war later is going to be a lot easier because of our high moral, even if we all die in the war"

"So, you're all prepared to die for your Sect?" Michael asked him solemnly.

"Me and other people in this Sect had grown up in this Sect since we were just toddlers, that's why I will be happy as long as I protect the Vermillion Sect... No, our home" Huang Li said with sadness evident in his voice.

"I... don't get it" Michael said to himself in confusion before turning around and he flew away.

"Maybe someday you will get it, Michael" Huang Li said.


13 Hours Later in front of the Vermillion Sect


Lin Kun look over the Horizon and saw the opponents forces closing on them. He turned around to look at his Disciples and Elders.

"Are you all ready for battle?!" Lin Kun yelled at his Disciples.

"Yes we are!!" They yelled back.

"Again louder!!"

"YES WE ARE!!" They yelled louder.

"Good, now we can finally March on to battle, Elders remember the strategy!" He shouted.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

"Now let's March on! We'll show them how strong our Vermillion Sect is!" Lin Kun yelled.

All of the Disciples and Elders marched on for awhile before they were finally in front of their enemies. More than 20,000 of Disciples were in front of them

Kong Zu the Sect Master of Black Sect had a face full of arrogance as he look down on them.

"Hmph, you dare to ignore the Lightning Emperor's mercy!? Then so be it, all of you will die a miserable death" Kong Zu said in arrogance.

"Ho ho ho, with that puny number of yours you dare to defy the Lightning Emperor?" The Sect Master of Blossom Flowers Sect spoke. She is a very seductive woman that can make a man happy for a lifetime with her body. And her puff-puffs is incredibly huge.

"Even if we all turn to ashes in this battle, we will still fight on!" Lin Kun said to them.

"Do you think you can beat us, who have twice the number of your forces?" Kong Zu said.

"Of course not, but we only have to stall you all for our reinforcement to arrive" Lin Kun said with a smirk.

"Oh, so you think you can last that long in front of our combined forces? Let's see if what you say is true! C'mon Yu Ren!" Kong Zu and Yu Ren charged at him both at the same time.

Yu Ren, the Sect Master of Blossom Flowers Sect, was the first one to attack. she took out a violet colored whip and used one of her special moves to attack.

"Invisible Whip!" She moved her hands so fast that the whip on her hand vanished. It was so fast that Lin Kun couldn't see it.

A slash wound appeared on his right shoulder but it did not stop there, hundreds of other slash wounds appeared on his entire body.

"Hohoho, I didn't think the Sect Master of Vermillion Sect would be very weak" Yu Ren said in disdain.

But Lin Kun just smirked as the blue flames started to heal his wounds. The Blue Flame started spreading on his entire body until he was completely covered in it and transformed into a huge Blue Phoenix.

"Don't think you can beat me with your puny tricks, little girl!" He said inside the Blue Phoenix.

And so, the war started between 1 Major Sect and 2 Major Sects.