Dead But Still Alive


"We're looking more like a couple fools in this battle, Yu Ren" Kong Zu said with seriousness in his voice while still running away from the fireballs

"But what can we do? That guy keeps spamming those fireballs like it's nothing and right now, the other fireballs that he spammed is attacking our Disciples" Yu Ren said in bitterness.

"We have no choice, let's retreat" Kong Zu said bitterly.

Lin Kun kept spamming thousands of fireballs to the Sect Masters and their Disciples. Thousands of Disciples screamed in pain as the fireballs burned their skin.

"Just a little bit more and they will retreat" Lin Kun said to himself.

An sure enough, after a few minutes, he heard them say.

"Disciples and Elders! Retreat!" Kong Zu applied Qi to his voice to make it louder.

When the Disciples and Elders heard that, they moved away from their opponents and started retreating.

The remaining Disciples and Elders cheered as their opponents retreated.

"With this, we could buy the time for the reinforcements to arrive" Lin Kun said to himself.

And so, the shortest war ended in 40 Minutes.


Michael's situation


1 Hour Later

From a far away mountain, you could see Michael eating a bunch of different foods, like he was on a picnic.

He watched them fight until the enemy retreated, and now is the time to move.

"PP, here I come!" He said menacingly before gliding at the direction of both Sect.

On his way, he transformed into his Devil Form and put on his mask, which he bought from the shop, before landing in front of the Black and Blossom Flowers Sect.

He landed gracefully and said in a polite voice "Can you guys stay still, so that I can kill you in a form way easier than it should've been?"

Kong Zu look closely and said to one of his Core Disciple "Kill him"

"Yes Sect Master" The Core Disciple said in a voice full of respect.

The Disciple took out a pair of Chakrams and threw it at him in a curved line.

He dodged it but the Chakrams came back and the Disciple caught it with his bare hands.

"I was just testing you earlier, now I will get serious" The Disciple said.

"You are annoying" Michael spoke in a soft yet menacing voice.

"What are yo-" He didn't get to finish his sentence before he felt a hand gripping his neck tightly. He saw his opponent looking at him with those abyss like eyes hidden behind his mask.

Michael look at Kong Zu and said in a soft voice "I asked you guys politely and you threw that away? Look at me closely, this is what happens to people who don't listen to me" He gripped his hand more tightly than before.


The Core Disciple's neck snapped. His body laid lifelessly in the hand of Michael before he threw the lifeless body in front of the Black Sect.

"Hu Feng!" 5 Core Disciples ran to his lifeless body and yelled.

"Hu Feng! Please be alive, please be alive" A Core Disciple repeatedly said.

They all look at Michael madly before they charged at him with different weapons.

"Don't attack blindly!" Kong Zu yelled.

He chuckled softly before saying "So you're his friends? Are you all sad that I killed him? Don't worry, because you'll be joining him soon" He took out five sharp blades before he crossed his arms and threw it at them in a speed so high, even Kong Zu couldn't see it.

The blades pierced the center of their foreheads before their eyes rolled back to their head and died simultaneously.

"Shit, that was the last of my Core Disciples!" Kong Zu cursed under his breath.

He lost 5,000 Disciples in the war with Vermillion Sect, including 3 Elders, 14 Core Disciples, 473 Inner Sect Disciples and the rest is Outer Disciples.

And the ones who died at Michael's hands is the last of his Core Disciples.

The Blossom Flowers Sect had a casualty of 3,000 Disciples.

"You will pay for that, you piece of shit!" Kong Zu cursed at him before he took out his pair of Chakrams and attacked him.

Kong Zu used his Chakrams like he was dancing, he would threw them at Michael and they will come back before he would try to slash him again.

Michael dodged another strike from his opponent before he would throw them at him again. He caught the Chakrams. Kong Zu widened his eyes when he saw that.

"How do you used this? Let me try" He secretly amplified its sharpness with his dense Qi and threw them in a perfect position to cut someone in three pieces.

"Do you think that I can't catch my own Chakrams with my own hands? Your a fool if you thought that" He mock him. Kong Zu raised his hands in front of him to catch his Chakrams, but it suddenly went through him.

He tried to turn around but his body seems to be the only one to turn around not his head.

A small cut wound appeared on his neck before he realized that he was already dead.