

After Michael convinced Lin Fen to let go of his finger, he bid his farewells to the father and daughter before he went to Huang Li and Ying Ying to say his goodbyes.

Michael knock on the Grand Elder's door three times to enter their house. After he knocked on the door the Grand Elder opened the door.

"Ah Young one, what a surprise to see you here. So, What did you come here for?" The Grand Elder spoke in a gentle manner.

"I came here to say my goodbyes to Huang Li and Ying Ying. Can you please tell me where are they?" Michael said politely.

"Wait a minute here, I'll call them" The Grand Elder went upstairs to call the two of them.

After a few minutes, sounds of multiple footsteps was heard upstairs before going down the stairs.

Huang Li and Ying Ying look drowsy as they walked towards him.

"Did you really have to wake us up, Michael?" Huang Li asked in annoyance as he rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry about that, I just wanted to say my goodbyes" Michael apologized.

"Goodbyes? Where are you going?" Huang Li asked him.

"I'm leaving the Sect today, I'm going back on my hunt." Michael replied simply.

"Okay then, see you next time" Huang Li said his farewells before going back upstairs.

"Yeah me too" Ying Ying said her goodbyes before going upstairs.

"Those two rude punks, sigh." The Grand Elder sighed.

"It's okay Grand Elder, saying dramatic farewells is not really my thing." Michael said with a soft smile.

"If that's so, then I bid my farewells to you, young one" The Grand Elder bid his farewell.

After that Michael left the Sect as he continued his mission to destroy 10 Evil Sects.

-2 Months Later-

In the middle side of the road, you can see a young man wearing a straw hat and a white mask resting on top of a tree branch.

This is obviously Michael.

After he left the Vermillion Sect, he immediately went into a secluded area to breakthrough to the rest of the level . 12 days passed before he managed to breakthrough to all levels of the Soul Wandering Stage, making him even more stronger.

After that, he destroyed the rest of the Evil Sects in the list, except for the Avarice Sect.

Right now, he's just resting his body from being overworked.

But that's not all, he became famous in the whole Empire. They call him, The Masked Destroyer, which he was not very proud of, because it sounds like a perfect name for a chuuni.

'After I finished my rest, I'll find a city or village to rest in properly' Michael planned inside his head.

Suddenly a boy around the age of 10 to 11 years old emerge from the woods, wearing nothing but a ragged robe. He had bruises all over his body, making him look like a beggar.

But the boy had a determined face and at the same time furious.

"I'll show them, I'll show them that I'm not a trash! In the clan tournament I'll beat them to pulp until they can't recognize their own face anymore" The boy said in a furious voice.

Michael suddenly took an interest to the boy's story. He disappeared from the tree branch and appeared in front of him.

"Uwah!" The boy stumbled and fell down to his butt when he bump into Michael.

"I'm kind of interested about your story" Michael said to the boy.

"W-Who are you" The boy asked him nervously.

"Me? I'm just your friendly neighborhood Soul Wandering Cultivator" Michael said mischievously.

"A soul wandering cultivator!? How are you so strong?" The boy asked him with stars in his eyes.

"I'll tell you if you tell me your story, deal?" Michael negotiated with the boy.

"Really!? Then I'll tell you" The boy agreed almost instantly.

After hearing the boy's story, he summarize it. Basically he was born in a large clan with two siblings, with their parents being the elders of the clan. The two elder siblings are geniuses, while he has a mediocre talent towards cultivation. He became an outcast in his clan because of his mediocre talent and because of that, he got bullied by his fellow clansmen.

Every Six months there is a tournament, meant only for juniors. Tommorow is the tournament and he has to enter the top ten or else he will get expelled from the clan. But the thing is, his siblings wants him to quit the tournament because they said "You'll only humiliate us by joining the Junior Clan Tournament, so quit it" after they said that, they beat him till he can barely move anymore.

The only reason he can move right now, is because of a miraculous herb that he picked up in the woods.

Basically, he's one of those protagonist in a Cultivation novel, who meets an elder that teaches him Cultivation or he picks up a miraculous item/herb that makes him stronger.

"So you want to grow stronger by tomorrow to beat them to oblivion?" Michael asked the boy.

"Yes, I want to beat them till they beg for forgiveness" The boy said harshly.

"Here, I'll give you this" Michael took out 10 pills from his storage ring and gave it to the boy.

"What's this, Mister?" The boy asked him.

"This is a pill that can speed up your Cultivation by five times the normal rate, use them wisely" Michael said said to the boy

"Really!? Thank you Mister!" The boy thank him in sincere gratitude.

"Do you specialize in any form of weapon martial arts?" Michael asked the boy.

"Not yet, they said when I reach Qi Gathering Lvl 5, only then will I get my own Martial arts manual" The boy naively said.

Michael took out a Manual and a spear from his storage ring, which he got from a dead disciple "Here, this is a Spear Manual and a Lvl 2 Normal Equipment" He said as he gave the two items to the boy.

"T-This I can't accept this, this is too precious" The boy tried to refuse.

"Don't worry, I got plenty of those, and when I mean plenty, I mean plenty" Michael still gave the items to the boy.

"I don't know how I can repay this" The boy said full of gratitude.

"Hahahaha, if you really want to repay this, then become a strong Cultivator" Michael laughed.

"Okay! I'll become a strong Cultivator" The boy shouted naively.

"But remember this, don't let the power into your head" Michael advise him.

"Un!" The boy nodded.

"What's your name, boy?" Michael asked him.

"I'm Yang Chen" The boy said his name.

"Well Yang Chen, it was nice talking to you" Michael said as he disappeared from his spot.

"Huh? Mister?" Yang Chen tried to look for him but to no avail.

In a top of a tree, Michael look at Yang Chen with a mischievous gleam in his eyes "This should be fun to watch, it's not everyday you see a drama like this" Michael said mischievously.