The Yang Clan


"What do you mean? Someone sent you to me?" Yang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"My Master wanted you to be protected at all times, so he sent me by your side, so that when something goes wrong I could protect you" The White Wolf lied, as he couldn't tell the real reason why he was sent to serve this human child

"Is your Master that Mister who helped me earlier?" Yang Chen asked curiously.

"Yes, he said that he will be watching you in the tournament tommorow." The White Wolf said.

"Mister is!? He will be watching me in the tournament!? For real!?" Yang Chen said excitingly.

"Yes, that's why do not disgrace yourself in front of Master" The White Wolf bluntly said.

"You're right! I need a fancy clothing, to not disgrace myself in front of Mister!" Yang Chen said with determination.

"That's not what I meant" The White Wolf said with a sweat drop.

"Say no more Mr.Wolf, I shall buy myself a garment only suitable for me" Yang Chen said with haste evident in his voice.

Yang Chen made his decision before he went to the direction of his clan.


Yang Clan


The Yang Clan has existed for millenniums and hundreds of great geniuses has come from this clan.

Many years ago, when the 6th and 5th Patriarch of this Clan were still alive, the clan was still famous all over the 5 Empires. A Clan that has many great geniuses and many strong allies. But that didn't last long.

As always, a great clan has many strong enemies. The 6th and 5th Patriarch was their strongest cultivator at the time, both of them were in the Ensoulment Stage. They were strong indeed, but there were many strong enemies as well.

There are 2 other clans beside them living in the Mountains, The Min Clan and the Shen Clan. Like the Yang Clan, they were also famous as well but to a lower degree.

The three clans had a war, a war that will decide who is the strongest clan in the mountain. The war continue on for hundreds of years before the Yang Clan finally won, but with a price.

Both the 5th and 6th Patriarch of the Yang Clan died. Of course, the casualties can't be ignored either. Five Thousand Clan members died in the war, which was a huge blow to their population of 20,000.

Their economy stayed the same even after the war, that is because of their conquered villages. Conquered Villages can be varied from Small Village, Median Village, Large Village, and Top Village.

Villages doesn't have many Cultivators, that's why they are easily conquered by other stronger force. Their economy is their strongest force, that's why many clans wants to conquer them.

If a village gets conquered by other forces, then they will have to submit to them, whether they like it or not. Villagers living inside the Village are usually treated badly by their conquerors, but they cannot fight back or else they will be killed at the spot for disobeying their Masters.

The Yang Clan owns 1 Top Village and 6 Large Villages, that's why their economy is still good even after hundreds of years.

And right now, Yang Chen is shopping in one of the Villages owned by the Yang Clan. He was shopping for something to wear in the tournament tommorow.

He walked with the White Wolf by his side in the bustling streets of the Marketplace, which drew other peoples attention to him.

"Isn't that an Elder Wolf? How did he tame such a beast?" One bystander said to his friend.

"Maybe he's one of those young masters in the Yang Clan"

"No you're mistaken, young masters in the Yang Clan can't even stare at a beast like that without peeing their pants"

"Hahaha you're right, those pompous children can't even make money on their own"

"Hey be careful of what you say, some Cultivators of the Yang Clan may be wandering in this streets"

"Yeah, we mere mortals will get killed if they heard us say something bad about them"

"Shit! You're right" The one who insulted the Yang Clan looked around in vigilance.









Yang Chen walked into one of the clothing shop to buy a robe that will suit him.

"Welcome to my humble shop, young master" The shop owner welcomed him with a humble smile.

"Do you have any cool robes that will suit me best?" Yang Chen asked the shop owner.

"Hmm, let's see... Aha! I have the perfect robe for you" The owner went inside the deep part of the shop.

Yang Chen waited for the shop owner to come back.

-A Few Minutes Later-

The shop owner came out with a golden robe in his hands.

"Sorry for the long wait, but here is the robe" The shop owner said as he showed the cloth to Yang Chen.

"No it's okay, I did not wait that long" Yang Chen said humbly.

"Anyway, this robe is made from the Golden Silk, only found in the deepest parts of the Valley Of Beast. The Golden Silk has a defensive property that can protect it's owner from any weak attacks. It's suitable for any Qi Gathering Stage Cultivators" The shop owner explained.

"Great! How much is it?" Yang Chen excitingly asked.

"It's only 100 Gold Coins" The shop owner said with a smile.

Yang Chen checked his money pouch and saw only 5 Gold Coins.