Enslavement And The Tournament


Yang Ho widened his eyes in shock as he heard the young man said that. Because in the entire Flame Empire, nobody had tried to conquer an entire clan or else they will get executed by the Emperor himself.

A clan is governed by the current Patriarch, which are usually a direct descendant of the first Patriarch.

The Clan is also a part of an Empire, meaning if someone were to try and seize the clan under the Emperor's nose, then they will get executed at the spot by the Emperor himself.

That's why nobody has done that, being hunted by the entire Empire is not really a thing of a sane person.

"Hmph, even if you successfully conquer my clan, you will still get hunted by the Emperor himself" Yang Ho said in disdain.

Michael simply smiled and said "Do you really think i haven't thought of that?" As he said that he took out a piece of black paper.

"Do you know what this is?" Michael asked him as he showed him the black paper.

"N-No what is that?" Yang Ho asked as he felt a bad feeling rising inside his heart.

"This is a Slave Seal, once I put this seal on you, you will forever be my slave" Michael said as his wicked smile reach his ears.

Yang Ho's heart sank as he heard what Michael just said. This is truly a fate worse than death.

Yang Ho began to feel despair like no other, his heart sank to the bottom of the abyss, an abyss known as Michael Wilson.

"Ki... Me" Yang Ho whispering under his breath.

"What? Did you say something?" Michael asked him.

"I said kill me!" Yang Ho yelled with despair evident in his eyes.

"I wouldn't do that, you are, after all, an important pawn piece" Michael said cruelly.

"Just kill me already!" Yang Ho yelled as he tried to move but it was futile. He knew that once Michael put the Slave Seal on him, he will live the rest of his life like a lifeless tree.

"Don't worry about your father though, I will also apply the seal on him" Michael said while smiling.

"You!!" His despair suddenly turned into hatred when he heard that. He tried to move his body, but it was futile. Michael's Qi kept interfering with the weight on his body.

"Quite energetic aren't we? How about a little more?" Michael increased his Qi weighing down on Yang Ho.

"Argh!" "Crack!" His shoulders started crack under the force of Michael's Qi.

"Now, let's get going shall we?" Michael lifted his foot before standing up on Yang Ho's father. He walk towards Yang Ho and place the seal on his head.

The seal slowly dissolve on Yang Ho's head until there was nothing left.

A new word appeared on Yang Ho's right palm "Slave" Tears formed under his eyes as his heart couldn't take the humiliation of being force to be a slave of someone.

After Michael finished putting the seal on Yang Ho, he went towards Yang Ho's father and place the Slave Seal on his head.

The procedure went the same and Yang Ho couldn't help but close his eyes as he saw his father being branded as a Slave.

Michael notice that and said indifferently "Hmm, why are you closing your eyes? Are you sad because your father is being branded as a slave? Then that's good, you can now taste the feelings of mortals now"

Yang Ho opened his eyes and asked "What do you mean?"

Michael snorted and said "Don't play dumb with me, I know you guys are buying slaves in some slave market and using them for your own ambitions. A month ago I destroyed a righteous sect doing some shady business called 'Human Trafficking', they even named themselves Righteous Sect to prove that they're innocent in front of the crowd."

"What kind of human trafficking business you ask? Slave Market of course, they kidnap young mortals and brand them with slave seals to sell them off in an underground market, I personally witness it and destroyed them before they even realize it"

"Are you doing this because of that?" Yang Ho asked in anger.

"Of course not. You see, I have taken an interest in one of your clan members, his name is Yang Chen, a bullied child" Michael replied.

Yang Ho suddenly thought of that child, the son of the Punishment Hall Elder, working in one of the restaurants as a dishwasher.

"The useless son of the Punishment Hall Elder? That's why you are doing all this? For a talentless child?" Yang Ho mocked him.

Michael did not get offended by this, he just smirk "A talentless child? How do you know that he's a talentless child?" Michael asked him.

"Of course I know, he scored the lowest in the talent assessment test" Yang Ho replied.

"In the tournament later, he'll show you how strong he is" Michael said calmly.

Michael knew that Yang Chen is a talented child, to endure all that and still smile naively, that's not how a normal child would react.

"But first you will announce that, the prizes for the top 1 will be change" Michael ordered.

"How? The resources in the clan are limited" Yang Ho questioned him.

"Let me see the prize list" Michael said as he stretch his right hand towards Yang Ho.

Yang Ho handed him the prize list, it was taken out from his pocket.

Michael looked at the prize list of the tournament:


Top 1 - 500 Gold Coins, a Level 4 Normal Equipment, 2 Hours at the Cultivation Spring, High Mortal Cultivation Manual.

Top 2 to Top 10 - 100 Gold Coins, Level 3 Normal Equipment, Cultivation Pill, Mid Mortal Cultivation Manual.

Top 11 to Top 50 - 10 Gold Coins, Level 1 Normal Equipment.

Top 51 to 100 - 5 Gold Coins, Alchemy Pills.


Michael nodded at the prize list and said "Everything is okay in the prize list, but let's increase the Top 1 prize."

"How? My Yang Clan can't afford to increase it any longer" Yang Ho asked him in a bemuse expression.

"Simple, it's gonna come out directly from my pockets" Michael simply said.

"What?" Yang Ho was stunned, as he never thought that this young man who enslaved him, is gonna give away prizes much bigger then the last one.

"Okay, the Top 1 prize from now on is gonna be, 100 Spirit Stones, a Level 9 Normal Equipment, High Earth Cultivation Manual, High Earth Martial Arts Manual, 100 Cultivation Pills" Michael list out the prizes for the Top 1.

Yang Ho couldn't hide his shock when he heard the prizes for the Top 1, because even he, The Patriarch, doesn't have that kind of wealth.

The Yang Clan has a Spirit Spring under the Clan's Village, it produces Spirit Stones every month but it only spits away 10 Spirit Stones every month. As the Patriarch, he has to budget the resources needed for the clan, leaving him with almost no money at all.

The most surprising thing is the Manuals. Manuals are separated in 5 different levels, Human, Mortal, Black, Earth, and Heaven. Earth Manuals are so rare, that you can only find them in Large Clans, like the Yang Clan.

But Earth Manuals are rare, so the Yang Clan only has 3 of those Earth Manuals. The only ones who owns a Heaven Manual is the Royal Families of the 5 Empires.

And right now, he is practically drooling from the prizes that Michael mentioned earlier.

"Master, I shall comply to your every wish" His attitude did a complete 180 degree.

"Hmm good, then later when the tournament finish, lead me to your history books. I'm gonna read them" Michael ordered.

"As you wish, Master" Yang Ho complied.

"Then let's go to the arena,, but take care of your father first" Michael said as he walk towards the door.

"Yes Master" Yang Ho carried his father to his office sit.

The reason Michael increased the prize only for the Top 1, is because he knew that Yang Chen will win the tournament.


The Arena Where The Tournament Is Going To Be Held


Thousands of youth gathered in the arena for the tournament, their main goal? The prizes of course!

Yang Chen nervously walk between the crowds. This is his second time attending a big event like this. The first was the Talent Assessment Test.

As he walk through the crowds, he saw some familiar faces. His classmates from the academy are here.

His classmates took notice of him when he look at them. They started whispering to each other.

"Hey, isn't that the talentless brother of Yang Mi and Yang Ki?" One of his classmates murmured.

"How shameless is he to come here? Doesn't he realize that he will only humiliate his siblings by going in this tournament?"

"I know right?"

"Hmph, he will just get killed in the tournament later anyway."

"Hey don't be cruel, at least he has hopes unlike us" One of his female classmates said.

"Heh, you're sympathizing with him now?"

"N-No, I'm not" She denied.

Yang Chen walk passed them with a indifferent expression on his face.

"Hey trash, take this!" One of his classmates threw an apple, targeting his head

Yang Chen caught the apple behind his back before he turned around and smiled.


Yang Chen threw the apple back in a force

stronger than the last one.


The throw of a Qi Gathering Lvl 9 isn't a joke, the apple got crush under the force of his throw and at the same time, broke his classmates nose.

"Gah!" He held his bleeding nose as he made a pained expression.

Yang Chen walked away from his classmates and went towards the waiting room.

"Hey wait!" His class chairman ran towards him.

"What do you want?" Yang Chen asked her.

"Why did you do that to your classmate, Yang Chen?" The Class Chairman asked him.

"Didn't you see? He threw that apple at me, so I threw it back at him. It's not my fault he couldn't catch the apple with his bare hands" Yang Chen said innocently.

"Still, you shouldn't do that to your classmates, hurting them is not the best way to express your feelings" The Class Chairman said.

"Fuck off" Yang Chen shoved her away before he went to towards the waiting room for the tournament.

She fell on her bottom, before someone ran towards her.

"Young Miss! Are you okay?" The Vice Chairman asked in a worried voice.

She stand up and ordered in a cold voice "Destroy him in the tournament"

"Yes, young miss" The Vice Chairman obeyed.

The Class Chairman of Yang Chen is one of the daughters of the Patriarch.

"He dares to do that to me? Me the daughter of the Patriarch!? Unforgivable!" Her attitude did a complete change.


Inside The Waiting Room


He look around and saw hundreds of children his age gathered inside the waiting room

He suddenly saw someone he didn't want to meet, his elder siblings. And apparently, they notice him too.

"Well well, look who do we have here? Our precious little brother, coming here to compete in the tournament" His Elder Brother said smugly.

"I'm not here to make trouble with you, Yang Ki" Yang Chen said as he tried to ignore his brother and walk pass him.

But his brother stop him by holding his shoulders tightly.

"I told you, not to show up in the tournament, little brother" Yang Ki whispered in his ear threateningly.

"Why do you care?" Yang Chen said to his brother as he slapped his brother's hand away from his shoulders.

"Woah, you're fighting back now?" Yank Ki asked.

"So what? Do I need to explain to you why I am fighting back? Are you that stupid?" Yang Chen mocked him.

"You! I'll show everyone here how an elder sibling discipline his garbage little brother" Yang Ki said angrily as he raise his hand to slap him.

Suddenly a cold voice interrupted him "Yang Ki stop now. Disciplining him here is not good for our reputation"

Yang Ki stop what he was going to do and turned around.

It was Yang Mi, the eldest sibling out of the three of them.

"Tch, you got luck this time, Yang Chen" Yang Ki said with annoyance evident in his voice.

"Let's go, Yang Ki. Leave the trash alone, I'll deal with him later in the arena" Yang Mi said coldly.

"Yes big sister" Yang Ki knew he couldn't fight his big sister, the reason? She is stronger than him.

"Little brother, I doubt that you will reach the top 100, but if you do I'll tell you this, the moment you step on that arena with me, you'll die" Yang Mi coldly said to Yang Chen.