

-City Lord's Mansion-

Michael looked around the Mansion and thought that this Mansion is extremely luxurious. Even the vase is luxurious. It has 2 floors, the ground, and the 2nd floor. The staircase leading to the 2nd floor is stationed in front of the front door, only 20 meters away from it.

The railings in the staircase are made from pure silver, it was quite nice to say that it's beautiful. There were two angel statues at the end of the staircase, separated in different locations.

After going past the staircase, there is a door leading to the courtyard, where there is a beautiful garden.

"Papa! Are you home?" She yelled to call her father.

A middle-aged man walks down the staircase, he looks like a man who has gone through many battles. He had a solemn expression on his face, making Daiyu tremble in fear.

"Papa!" Jing Fei ran towards him.

The City Lord picked her up and carried her like a loving parent.

"How were you able to come back so fast? Your carriage was supposed to arrive here by tomorrow, what happened?" He asked worriedly.

Jing Fei told him what exactly happened, his face contorted to anger when he heard her explanation.

He was undoubtedly furious.

"That was no bandits, it was an assassination attempt! They disguise themselves as bandits, so they can blame it on them later when my daughter gets killed" His anger meter rose through the roof.

Daiyu knelt down on one knee and asked: "But Lord, who would do such a thing?"

The City Lord took a glance at her and said "There are only two persons who could do this. One is my eldest son who defected from the City at the same time killing my wife or two, the Clan Head of the Han Clan"

3 Years ago, his eldest son killed his wife, while at the same time escaping the City soldiers. No one knows why he did it, but he escapes, instead of facing the consequence.

The Clan Head of Han Clan is one of the three Generals, Han Ge. He is a long time rival of the City Lord. They have been since they were just children.

They fought with each other as they rose through the ranks, now they were their own respective leaders. But they still argue from time to time.

The City Lord, Jing Jin, knows there is very little chance that his long time rival will kill his daughter.

Thus, he directed his blame to his son, no one will ever have the guts to do that except his son.

Jing Jin look at Michael and said: "So, you saved my daughter?"

"Yes sir" Michael replied.

Jing Jin smile and said, "Since you saved my daughter, you shall be rewarded by 2 Million Gold Coins." He took out a storage ring from his storage ring and tossed it to Michael.

Michael caught it with ease before he checked what's inside and there it is, mountains and mountains of gold coins, he was overwhelmed by joy.

"Thank you for your gratitude, sir," Michael said with sincere gratitude.

"It is of no problem for me, now you can go," Jing Jin said.

"Yes, bye-bye Fei Fei!" He said his goodbye and left through the front door.

"Papa" Jing Fei called her father

"Hmm, what is it?" He asked.

"When I grow up, I want to marry big brother Michael," She said innocently.

His head went into shock for a moment before he suddenly walks towards the front door and opened it before yelling "Come back here!! I promise I won't hurt you!" As he took out his steel gloves.

But Michael was already long gone.


Michael's Current Location


After Michael left the Mansion, he went directly to the auctions to sell his Disappearing Lotus and Other Stuff, like the Titanium Sword.

He appeared in front of the entrance of the Auction House. He went inside the Auction House while keeping an eye on the surroundings.

He saw a hallway with marble tiles colored like a tiger skin attached on to the floor and the walls were covered in a golden like wallpapers. There were pillars near the walls, that supports the ceiling from falling down on the ground.

There were many people inside the hallway, noble, rich, average, poor, you can see them in the hallway.

He saw a sign in the entrance that says "Green Jade Auction". It looks like it's the name of the auction.

Michael walks towards the hallway full of people before he saw an employee and ask. "Where is your manager?"

The employee looks at him and analyzed his clothing before he deemed him poor "Look if you want to beg for money, don't come here and ruin the Auction House. Here are some copper coins, now get out" He threw some copper coins at him.

Michael did not catch it, but instead, his abyss like eyes is blazing with anger.

His arm shot through and grabbed the employee's neck.

"You dare to treat me like that? You deserve nothing less than death" Michael said with furiousness evident in his voice.

Michael continued to strangle the employee. Many people took notice of what's happening and murmured.

"Hey, what happened? Why is that guy strangling the employee? Does he not know who owns this Auction?"

"I think the employee judged him by his clothing and deemed him poor before throwing some copper coins at him"

"Ah, that makes sense"

The employee was on the verge of seeing the yellow spring when the manager came out.

The manager walks towards him and said calmly "Please don't harm the employee sir, if he said anything rude to you, I apologize. I will punish him as I see fit"

Michael glances at the manager before letting go of the employee with a thud and spoke coldly "I will forgive you this once, but the next time your employee does this, I shall crush his head myself"

The said employee backed off before standing up and running away.

The manager smiled at Michael professionally before reaching out for a handshake.

Michael returned the handshake before asking "Can we talk somewhere private?"

He wore a full face mask, so the manager can't see his face either the people in the hallway.

"It'll be my pleasure, please follow me," The manager said before gesturing him to follow him.

Michael followed the manager to the private room.

-2 Minutes Later-

Michael sat in a long chair in front of a long table with the manager sitting in front of him.

The room had four walls, the interior of the room is made from marbles.

"Please tell me, what are we discussing? Is it about a business deal?" The Manager asked.

"I want to sell something in the auction, and it is REALLY expensive" Michael got into the point.

"What is it?" The Manager asked calmly as he took a sip from his tea.

"I want to sell 10 Disappearing Lotuses," Michael said calmly.

"Pfft" The Manager spits out his tea at Michael accidentally, but Michael just dodged it without a single drop getting on his clothes.

"What!? 10 Disappearing Lotuses!?" The Manager was shocked as this is the first time in history, that someone is offering something like this.

"Yes, how much is it if I put it on Auction?" Michael asked.

As an expert, The Manager calmed down and answered his question "If you were to put it on Auction, the minimum income you will get is 5,000,000 Gold Coins per one lotus, but if the bid were to go higher, it would around 12,000,000 Gold Coins per one lotus"

Michael instantly thought it was a great idea and said "Then I'll auction it now"

"Unfortunately the Auction house is still preparing stuff we would use at the auction, please come back after a few days," The Manager said with disappointment evident in his voice.

"Okay, I'll leave for now," Michael said as he stood up and walk towards the door.

"Yes, please have a nice day" The Manager bowed to him respectfully.

Michael left the Auction House and rented a room at a nearby inn before he scheduled the breakfast and dinner.

Michael laid down on the bed as he checked his phone for anything.

He browses through the shop for anything good and just thought 'Maybe it's time for me to pick a Martial Arts Manual? Yeah, it's probably a good idea'

"Phone, please sort out what great martial arts I can afford right now," Michael said to the Wuxia Phone.

"As you wish, Master" The Wuxia Phone organized the Martial Arts section to the ones he can afford right now.


Tiger Style Martial Arts - 10,000 PP

Lion Style Martial Arts - 10,000 PP

Crane Style Martial Arts - 30,000 PP

Praying Mantis Martial Arts - 15,000 PP

Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu - 50,000 PP

Pandemonium Martial Arts - 400,000PP

One Man Army Martial Arts - 1 Million PP





[PP - 22,300,000]

"Hmm, Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu sounds good, but after absorbing Shoyo's memories, I also gained his Katana Style, so I won't need that."

"I'll just take the One Man Army Martial Arts, give it to me," Michael said.

"Yes Master, deducting 1Million PP...

Thank you for your purchase...

Please check it in your inventory"

Michael took out the One Man Army before opening it and learning everything in it.

He felt a little bit of headache but it vanished after a while.

After experiencing that, he checked the Martial Art's description.


One Man Army Martial Arts


The One Man Army, once mastered, can increase the speed of mind of a person and the shockwaves for every punches and kick will be largely increased.

So please, don't use the Martial Arts at home, it may be destructive.

PS: Really, don't punch at home or else it will blow up your entire house.

PS PS: REALLY REALLY, Don't punch nor kick at home, please just listen to my advice and don't do it.


"That was weird" Michael said bewildered.

"But I should probably listen to that anonymous advice, hmm" Michael decided.

Knock Knock Knock

"Mr. Tatsuya, your dinner is ready" A female voice sounded behind the door of his room.

"Okay, I'll be coming down" Michael replied.

"Okay," The voice behind the door said before he heard footsteps of someone going down.

"Now, let's get ready," Michael said as he put on his mask before buying some turtle neck sleeves and putting it on.

He looks at himself in the mirror before going outside and walking down the stairs.


Michael walks down the stairs and saw the tavern full of people of every age, young, middle-aged, old, Martial Artist, and some Cultivators.

Michael walks into an empty table before the girl from earlier, who knocked on his door, came at his side with a tray of food on her hands.

She put the food down on the table and said "Here is your food Mr.Tatsuya, please enjoy" She bowed slightly before going back to the counter.

Michael sat on the wooden seat and table with a plate full of food in it. The plate has fried chicken on it, some kind of crushed meat, rice, and some vegetables.

Michael was about to dig in when he saw a child drooling while looking at his food. The old man accompanying the child covered the child's eye before bowing and apologizing for the inconvenience.

Michael paid them no mind and dug in.

"Why can't I stare at that guy's food, Grandfather?" The child asked the old man.

The grandfather knelt down on one knee and said: "Because he is a Cultivator, we mortals can't fight back to them or else we will get ourselves killed in a matter of milliseconds, I can't have that happening to my grandson, do I?" He softly smiled.

"Then one day, I'll be a Cultivator and create a world where mortals and Immortals alike can coexist!" The child said naively.

"Hahaha, sure you will, sure you will" The old man laughed at his grandson's naivety.

Michael just ignored them and continued eating while thinking.

'Change the world? That can never happen because people will always seek change no matter how peaceful the situation and all of them will always fail' Michael thought.

'To spare the sands, the seas, the skies I offer thee this silent sacrifice' He silently prayed inside his mind.