"They commanders with low status. To get into this esthetic school, like this, I also presume that your in the same class as hikarou and karou, even though your commoners. I must say I'm very impressed that you guys got into this school nonetheless at all." kyoya said, making haruhi fall forward and made my eye brow, twitch a little.

"That makes since, your here for our services. I understand, I wouldn't be able to look away from these pretty face too." and keeped on babbling walking closer to haruhi, as she backed up. Until she bumped into a very fancy vase, that she tried to catch, but couldn't and it broke into a million peices. I run over their. "We'll pay." Haruhi said, sitting on the floor about to cry.

"With what money" the twins said. "We were going to auction it for the up come ouran auction coming up" one twin said, then they sighed "It costs over million yen for this vase." kyoya said, picking up a piece of the vase, making us jump 2 feet scared.

"I have a solution, we will do what the romans do if you don't have money pay us back with your body's, your now the host clubs dogs." he said, making me giggle and haruhi faint. I caught her, before she hits the floor. "We'll take it." I said with a smile, picking up Haruhi bridal style. "Here are the list of things we need, now go on and buy them." he said, scooting me out with haruhi in my arms and slamming the door in my face.

As I walk to the store with Haruhi in hand.

As we got back to the club their were women everywhere. I followed an annoyed Haruhi to the guy. I heard early talking, she gave him the bag and pulled something out. "What is this?" he asked. "Coffee" haruhi said, with a tick mark, making me smile, this is amusing.

"Are you sure?" he asked "It's instant coffee." haruhi said. "Never heard of it." he said. "You add it to hot water and mix it's simply, really." I said with a bored tone. "Commoners are more smart than I thought." I heard kyoya say.

"How much?" I heard him say. "3g=3000 yen" haruhi said, sighing. "That's so much less then we buy for." I hear the twins say, the girls started to form around some questioning it.

"I WILL DRINK IT! I WILL DRINK THE COFFEE" I hear tamaki yell, making me giggle, then hearing haruhi say "Damn rich kids" making me giggle a little more.

I finally feel a little happy though, being nice is a better act then being how I am.

I'm not saying I'm not nice, I am just... I got cut off by my thoughts, by this lady who is right beside me and haruhi.

"Oh tamaki, your stomach won't be able to hold the disgusting commander coffee." she said, getting me a little angry. "Huh" I say. "Oh I was talking to myself," she said in a rude tone.

"HARUHI, NARUTO WE ARE WAITING HERE FOR YOU TO MAKE THE COFFEE HURRY UP!" I hear tamaki, making me hover my ears. "Coming!" I hear haruhi say, we go up to the strange thing and I hold the kettle pouring water in the glass tea cups as Haruhi mixes the coffee mix with hot water, then we put them in on a tray.

We heard a couple girls complain, but Tamaki cleared it up. We started handing out the coffee  I take haruhi's tray and saw her talk with kyoya. Then honey came up, I went over to see honey handing his bunny to Haruhi that would be a great photo for her dad. I thought smirking and went to haruhi and whispered in her ear.

"Your dad would probably freak if he saw you like this, sauing cute taking!While taking pictures, I wonder what he will do if he does get one." I pull away, she is propbaby blushing. "You wouldn't." she said, I just smirked.

Then tamaki come over then start rambling things.

"There's a word for people like him...I just can't put my finger on it... pain in the neck no.." she thought ya there is "OXIOUS!/Oxious" we both exclaim, as he wither away. "I'm sorry tamaki senpai." making me laugh and the twins laugh behind us, both on either side of us.

"You guys are a hero alright." they said. "I'm sorry senpai, your lesson did strike a small cord in me." she said, I looked away. "I'm not, it was funny." I said.

"Naruto." haruhi said, sternly. "Fine, I say to you my king Tamaki, I'm sorry for calling you for what you are." I said on a knee right, beside him, making him go all happy again.

"Really naruto" I hear Haruhi, making me laugh with the twins. "It was worth it." I said, making her eyebrow twitch.

"Now let me teach you guys, all about hosting!" I hear tamaki say. "Boss, they won't get far with the ladies if they look like that their not really host club material, but maybe if we take off his-