The Awakening Ceremony

Not even thirty minutes had passed when Ye Tianyou arrived in the Ye Clan's Royal Palace, in reality, the Ye Clan was currently a King-Rank Faction.

In the Heaven Spirit World, faction's strength was separated in multiples rank, from the lowest to the highest they were: Village-Rank, Town-Rank, City-Rank, Country-Rank, Kingdom-Rank, and Empire-Rank.

The different ranks were easily differentiated, the Village-Rank required to be the Overlord of a village, most factions in the world were at this Rank, then to become a Town-Rank faction one needed to be the overlord of a full ten villages.

These two were known as the Low-Rank Factions, then came the Middle-Rank Factions which were the City-Rank factions and the Country-Rank factions, the City-Rank required a hundred town under there control while the Country-Rank required to have twenty cities. Above them were the High-Rank Factions, the Kingdom-Rank which required to have at least fifty countries under their rules, and the Empire-Rank which required a faction to dominate a whole continent.

From what Ye Tianyou had learned from his childhood in the Ye Clan's Library, there had never been any Emperor-Rank faction in the whole history of the Heaven Spirit World, Thus the Kingdom-Rank Faction was also divided into three ranks, the Low-Kingdom-Rank, Mid-Kingdom-Rank, and finally, the Peak-Kingdom-Rank. The Ye Clan was currently a Mid-Kingdom-Rank Faction, but since Ye Tianyou's Father had become the King of the Kingdom of Ye, he had never ceased to expend their rule, and thus they had become the strongest Kingdom under the High-Kingdom-Rank.

When Ye Tianyou entered the Main Hall of the palace, he saw his father sitting in the highest seat of the palace, Ye Ming was a handsome middle-aged man who possessed a dominant aura, nobody in the Ye Clan aside from the Ancestor knew how strong Ye Ming was, but Ye Tianyou knew that even if all the ten Elders in the Hall were to attack his father, the match would at least be a tie, while at best the Elders would lose.

When the people inside the Main Hall heard the doors being opened all their eyes turned toward the newcomer, the Elders' eyes were all shining when they saw Ye Tianyou enter the Hall. Since his birth he had been the brightest star of his generation, thus they were impatient to see how strong the Martial Spirit of Ye Tianyou would be.

The first to speak was Ye Tianyou's father.

"You'er, I've called you in first so that we're all in peak condition to help you awake you're Martial Spirit, let's get started so that the other kids don't wait too long." In public Ye Ming had always been a person of a few words.

"Yes Father, I'll listen to your arrangements." Ye Tianyou's image to the world was that of a cold prince, and thus he had learned to live like this in public since he was a kid, he wasn't smiling, nor was he frowning, the only thing that could be seen on his face was indifference as he advanced toward the center of the main hall.

Soon after he reached the middle of the hall, he sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes, seeing this the Elders and Ye Ming all directed their Qi in the Ancient Awakening Formation.

A bright light Shone in the Hall as Ye Tianyou was soon enveloped by a mystical yellow light, at the same time, a stele came up from the earth in the hall, this stele was the Martial Spirit Judging Stele which would appear anywhere in the world when someone was awakening his Martial Spirit.

After less than ten seconds, the Stele lite up, and words appeared in the middle of it.

Martial Spirit Low Yellow Rank

The Elders weren't affected by that since everybody went through the same things when an awakening was taking place.

Soon the words on the Martial Spirit Judging Stele changed to:

Martial Spirit Low Profound Rank

And after a short stop once again continued to change:

Martial Spirit Low Earth Rank to Martial Spirit Peak-Earth-Rank

When the Martial Spirit Judging Stele reached this point it stopped for three breaths before a blinding light erupted from its center as the words changed:

Martial Spirit Low Heaven Rank

When Ye Ming and the Ye Clan's Elders saw this they couldn't help but smile, but just as they began to smile the stele changed once more.

Martial Spirit Mid Heaven Rank

The sole thing that could be seen on the face of all the peoples present in the hall was shock, the highest talent of the Ye Clan's history was a Low Heaven Rank, but now before their eyes someone had surpassed it.

But it wasn't the end as once more light shone from the stele, this time the light turned red.

"Your Majesty it's the Red light of legends, the one who announce the venue of a Peak Heaven Rank Martial Spirit!" One of the oldest Elders in the hall spoke out in shock as all the people in the hall stood with their mouth agape.

"Peak Heaven Rank Martial Spirits! It's said that it had only appeared once in the history of the Heaven Spirit World!" Another Elder couldn't help but speak joyfully.

"Heaven blessed our Ye Clan!" All the Elders continued to smile and speak between them while Ye Ming's eyes were fixated on the red light sphere without saying a word.

Inside of the sphere, Ye Tianyou was still sitting cross-legged as he felt wave after wave of Qi erupting from his body, but he didn't panic as it was something depicted in what his father had spoken about when he explained the Awakening Ceremony to him two days before.

'Something isn't right, the energy from the Spiritual Conception Grass is still lingering in my body...' Just as Ye Tianyou began to think about this, he felt the so-called Spiritual Conception Grass's energy flew out of his body and boosting the wave of Qi, while this happened, the outside of the sphere changed once more.

The original red sphere of light instantly changed to a deep purple color and the stele words also changed once more from:

Peak Heaven Rank to Divine Rank Martial Spirit, when Ye Ming and the Elders saw this all the mouths were shut and not a sound could be heard aside from the sound of the rumbling Qi.

Before their eyes, someone had just stepped on the heads of all others Ancestor of their Heaven Spirit World, a talent that surpassed all which had ever existed in the Heaven Spirit World was born.