Great Mystery Codex (2)

When the light disappeared, Ye Tianyou was forced to sit on the ground due to the large amount of information that he received from the "Great Mystery Codex".

From what he learned, the "Great Mystery Codex" was one of the rarest types of cultivation method, a Support Cultivation Method, no information about its rank was given to Ye Tianyou, but he knew what practicing the "Great Mystery Codex" meant.

The "Great Mystery Codex" was divided into thirty stages, and every ten stages would allow the cultivation speed of the cultivator to power up their Martial Spirit by a rank thus boosting their Cultivation's speed by a large margin.

In reality, the Martial Spirit wouldn't evolve, it was just that the power of the "Great Mystery Codex" permitted the Martial Spirit to digest Spiritual Qi a lot faster than others of the same rank.

Also, Ye Tianyou now understood why his Grandpa Wu had given him this Cultivation Method, it was listed at the end of the book that only someone possessing at least a Mid Heaven Rank Martial Spirit possessed the necessary talent to open the book.

It meant that in the entire history of the Ye Clan, only Ye Tianyou possessed a sufficient talent to open the book, furthermore, in the entirety of the Heaven Spirit World's history, not more than a thousand peoples would possess the qualification to open this book.

Heaven Rank Martial Spirits weren't something rarely seen, each generation had at least tens of them, but all of these were Low Heaven Rank Martial Spirits.

As for Mid Heaven Rank Martial Spirits, those were only seen once every thousand years, and for High Heaven Rank Martial Spirit, it was recorded in the Ye Clan's library that in the whole history of the Heaven Spirit World, only four of them had ever appeared.

After some time passed, Ye Tianyou was finally able to open his eyes, the first thing he remarked when he did so was that the Great Mystery Codex had disappeared without a trace from the room.

'In the novels that I read back on Earth, this type of Heaven Defying items entered into the body of cultivators, but I won't be able to use 'Spirit in the body' before I reach the Seventh Level Houtian... In any case, it isn't a problem at the moment since I don't feel any discomfort.' When he reached this conclusion, Ye Tianyou got up instantly.

"Alright, it's time to go see father, if I don't hide my cultivation in the future, trouble will come knocking at my door, and I'll probably die without knowing how it happened!" Then Ye Tianyou departed from his residence toward the Royal Chamber of the Palace.

For cultivators, the stronger they became, the more difficult it was to have offsprings, the fact that Ye Tianyou was born could be considered as extremely lucky for his parents as both of them were cultivators.

His father as a King had his harem with at least tens of women, but even then Ye Tianyou only had a brother and three sisters, Ye Tianyou's little brother was born not even a month ago, while of his sisters, two were twins born a year after Ye Tianyou, and one was older by three years.

In the Heaven Spirit World, female, without accidents, would never inherit their respective faction even if they were the firstborn, it was also due to this that the Elders all loved Ye Tianyou, he had been the first male to be born, and thus he became the First Prince of the Ye Clan.

Ye Tianyou rarely saw his sisters since their mothers were from different families than his own.

In the Ye Clan's territory, aside from the Ye Clan, multiples nobles families also existed, and most of his father's women were from these families.

Ye Tianyou's mother, for example, was from the noble Wu Clan, she was also the current Queen of Ye because she was the first woman of his father.

In the Kingdom, noble families were divided into three classes, the First-Rank Noble Families were the strongest family, there were only three families of such rank in the whole kingdom, the Wu Family, the Xiao Family, and the Yun Family, these three families had existed since the time of the Ancestor of the Ye Clan, then came the Second-Rank Noble families, these families possessed a lot less power than the First-Rank one, they were often granted this status due to the strength of an individual of their respective clan. Finally came the Third-Rank Noble families, these families were mostly commoner turned noble due to high accomplishment during wars, this was the rank of most generals of the Ye's Army.

The three First-Rank Noble Families were the strongest, and thus they each had joined under some of the Elders of the Ye Clan.

In times of wars, the Ye Clan was very united and supported each other, but when times of peace came, all the Elders also fought for their benefits, thus creating division amongst them, the most influential Elders each were supported by multiples, noble families.

There were only three families that were under the direct control of the royale bloodline, the Wu Clan in charge of the Royal Guards, the Fu Clan in charge of Information Gathering and assassination, and the Lei Clan in charge of Logistics.

It had been like this since the first generation of the Ye Clan, it was said that these three families' Ancestor had been sworn brothers with the Ye Clan's Ancestor and had helped him conquer the land.

As Ye Tianyou thought about the current situation, he wasn't overly worried since his father had dealt with it for more than twenty years.

"Alright! Here I am." Ye Tianyou had unknowingly arrived before the Royale Chamber.