They went back to her house and sat on the couch and talked for hours. He was so much better in person. God he was so handsome. And then it started, she started to get a migraine. The throbbing, the pounding, her head felt like someone was hitting it with an axe and pulling it apart. She looked for her meds and couldn't find them anywhere. He was concerned. Is there anything I can do?, he asked. You could take me to the gas station to get some Aleve. Of course hon. He rubbed her neck as he was driving. By the time they got there she was miserable. He went in and got her the pills and a milk so her stomach wouldn't be upset. She took the meds and he took her back home. He came in and rubbed her back. I'm sorry this stupid migraine ruined our date. It didn't ruin it. I had a wonderful day with you. You can't help that you got one. They aren't predictable. True. He rubbed her shoulders and neck, dear God he was good at that. You don't have to stay. I'm not going anywhere. I will sleep on the couch. I don't want you to be alone while you are in such pain. The meds started to kick in.
She was finally starting to feel better. He kissed the back of her neck lightly. Lightening coarsed through her, wow just like when they were making out. He hugged her she snuggled in to him. It felt so good to be cared for by someone so sweet. He kissed her neck lightly. Mmmmm she loved that. She stretched her neck and he kissed it again. So perfect. She put his hands on her breasts. He cupped them gently and kissed her neck again. He rubbed her sides and cupped her breasts gently. She turned around and kissed him. He pulled her in closer and kissed her back. She was lost in his kisses my God he was good. He pulled away. I should go. Don't go. Stay. She kissed him again. Please stay. But you'll regret it in the morning. I couldn't regret anything with you. You sure? Yes I am sure stay.