Friendly Moments

In the midst of summer where winter slowly crawls back

The days were hot as it slowly chills the dark

People were on rush as I sit back

Read, write and wait for the time we're to chat

Moments were perfect back then

We're caught in the glimpse of happiness

We search for ways to ease the pain that burdens

But the happy days were temporary, cannot overthrow the sadness

I thought of that moment was sure perfect

But the illussion I drew has defects

Didn't realize that I've been fooled

Fooled by the inner longing that left me full

My realization might be really late

But I don't want to lie just to bait

Continue to tell the world its ugly gait

For if not, it'll just be another failed fate

This world is a maze

Full of danger that blaze

Foil become our cave

And the scary cries silents our grave

Some might say I'm cruel

For being true? That's a compliment

You might have thought the same

Oh dear, can't help it, I'm indeed cruel

Now, have we ever thought of things?

What they might have done?

Or what they can do without people's help?

What they can do on their own?

Can do nothing, I guess. But the question isn't right

We asked the wrong question

Therefore, the answer is a dellusion

Like an empty vessel full of illusion

We failed to realize the wrong conclusion

Have we ever thought of people?

Their deed were indeed unstoppable

Everyone has its own role as a doer

Companion, friend, partner or lover

But people remain to be an enigma

Their emotion were far worst

Vastly as the universe

Endless as abyss

Some might have failed to interpret their true emotion as I did

But am still glad to finally recognize it

Though I have led you to hurtful feelings

Am still grateful to ease these things

You are sweet as peas

Gentle as the mid summer breeze

Caring but below to mom

Dream man of every woman

But things went to different path

I figured there's only so much we can beat ourselves up about, things we wish we'd done differently, before we're broken beyond repair.

But I will always be thankful with these painful memories

Never regret it nor forsake it.

Some things I just don't forget even though I wish I could

His mark is indeed remarkable, right?

But I've realized that to live myself to the fullest

I must defeat first the darkness in myself.

I have cleared the misunderstanding I've created

I just wish you got it right, wholly, undivided

Now, its up to you to decide

No matter what, let's be friends for the days to come
