The stars in the sky moved above them.
The galaxy was like a ribbon on an angle.
Floating silently above their heads.
Sharing a beautiful sky even in miles away.
Once you step on this boat, do you think that it will ever dock? You either ride the waves and become a king or you lose everything and become a pirate.
We are so engrossed to the things we lost that we end up destroying what we are left with.
Those dead stars shining brightly reminded her of herself who was dead inside but was shining glamorously for the world.
How complicated is to fall in love with someone? Two souls pulled to yearning that leads to fear of every goodnight turning into a goodbye.
Tears of pain of the past had rolled down her cheeks leaving an aftertaste of wistful hope and inhibited happiness. A heartfelt eulogy.
Beyond the horizon, the last rays of the sun illuminated the sky. In the far distance, as the silhouette of the skyline pierced through the cold stone with warm glow.
To numb her pain that had been gnawing at her heart. The world didn't matter as she wonder if someone will remember if she's gone. Above is a lone figure, a sudden loud rumble, a strong wind, falling fast, a slumped body with a bitter smile.
As the sun rose like a canopy of gold, it breaks to dawn of endless treasure. New hopes became a desire to make every dream come true which the previous night had left behind.
She was lost. She was living with the burden of doing her own justice. Snatching life became a cycle not knowing what to do for the departed soul.
She found herself in a maze with a looming fear and a wrenching pain that was clenching her insides. She kept running and running and running. Only to found a dead-end.
Even that beautiful sight of the tranquil and serene beach evoked no emotions within those impassable eyes. A desolate and listless raven orbs.
Like a defiant sky, she found it dark, angry, crying bitter tears of rain, hailing, firing away its heat, or just looking like a brimstone, she finally said, 'Friend, you broke my heart but I hope the one you chose will make you happier.'