"Past Left Forgotten"

What happen to the memories we shared?

All the things we talk

All the laughters we shared

All the nonsense jokes you've spoken.

Seems the past is fading fast

That all those things are just crap

All those words are rubbish

And the both of us is pathetic

How's your life now? I asked.

Fine as always, you replied

Busy? I then asked once more

Yeah, same as yesterday. You answered.

Every time I asked you

You answered me the same way you did

But you may not know, I'm not pathetic

I noticed the difference of your every words

How? You may ask

I believed that women's instinct is undeniably true

You may disagree,

But I don't usually believed guts unproven

I've missed those moments

I've missed the little time we shared

I've missed all your dull words

And all those jokes you don't understantand

Hoping that maybe, just maybe,

We could still talk

We could still laugh

And be at the moment we used to be

You say, we can still be friends

Okay, friends I guess

We still can talk to each other

But school class starts, days move and months pass

Sadly, we're now constantly ignoring each other.

-love, ella-
