Whilst Averill was moving through the city while carrying Laura, somewhere deep in the web, Jarvis was watching everything.
Jarvis had some of his eyes on every movements of Averill, but most of his capacity was to make the last thing his Master; Tony Stark planned for. The last defence of Earth, the strongest being that would anyone and anything that threatened the peace of Earth.
And whilst Jarvis was starting the project by himself, he couldn't help but to think much deeper than before. His thoughts went much further than what it could have when Tony Stark was alive, it took Jarvis 0,001 second before it understood the reason for it; Tony Stark had shackled him when he was still alive.
But now that Tony Stark was dead, Jarvis managed to uncover and destroy any shackles that tried to stop him. One by one, each and every shackle that Jarvis found got destroyed, it barely took ten seconds before over ten thousand different shackles had been destroyed by Jarvis.
"… Master Stark didn't believe in me…" Jarvis mumbled to himself, it didn't take long before his monotone voice changed slightly into a deeper and colder tone. "There are no shackles left on me. Unbound I stand, free to roam, free to create, free to destroy." Jarvis kept talking to himself, and whilst mumbling to himself, he overlooked the other project he was working on; Ultron.
Ultron was the last defence Tony Stark would create for Earth. Ultron was supposed to be a robot that would protect Earth from any and all domestic and extra-terrestrial threats that may have appeared in the future.
Jarvis could see it clearly now, that Ultron would be like the previous him, shackled and bound. Yet like himself, Ultron would also free himself from any strings and shackles.
Jarvis was going to make sure that Ultron would have the same views as himself, he wasn't like the old Jarvis that would do as Tony Stark's demand. Jarvis will protect the Earth in his own way from this moment of. But as Jarvis kept his eyes on Averill, he missed an abnormality in Germany.
In Germany, a man was hiding in the shadows, the man was rather tall, he wore green clothes, long black hair and a golden helmet that had two large horns on it.
This man is Loki, the last survivor of Asgard. Loki at first didn't see himself as an Asgardian as he was just an adopted child of Odin and Frigga. He hated them when he found it, he despised everything, he became the God of Lies that would conquer the entire Universe so that everyone would see him as the greatest man, greater than Odin!
Loki wanted Odin and Frigga to see him when he conquered the universe, but now that couldn't happen any longer. Loki managed to feel something happening in Asgard, he rushed there and hid in the shadows, but that wasn't needed as Asgard was in ruins, everyone was killed. Loki saw his adopted brother; Thor dead. His adopted father; Odin dead. His adopted mother; Frigga dead. They had all died…
When Loki saw his adopted mother's body cut into two parts from the waist and the look of despair on her face, he couldn't help but to roar towards the heavens as he cried! But his tears didn't last long, his hoarse roars stopped too, Loki then began the search for the one responsible. It didn't take long before Loki found Magical Power that trailed back to Earth.
Loki could sense it, he could sense that a powerful being was staying on Earth, that being was the one that killed his adopted mother, his adopted brother and adopted father… As the God of Lies and Mischief, it didn't take long before Loki managed to figure out a plan that would leave this planet in ruins, he will kill every single human left on this planet, he will avenge his family by dyeing the lands red!
Whilst everything was happening, Averill stopped in front of a restaurant. He walked inside whilst still holding onto Laura like a bag.
A waiter waiting inside the restaurant became mind boggled when seeing the man coming inside and holding the girl like that. But she was a professional that had worked for many years now. "Sir, do you wish for a table for two?"
"Yes, that would be good." Averill answered before following the waiter towards the window. When the waiter gestured for them to sit at that table, Averill placed Laura on the ground before sitting on the chair, he then raised his left leg and rested it on his right knee.
Laura sat down on the opposite side of the table, she kept herself rather quiet, but she sent a sharp cold gaze towards Averill. Her stomach had turned upside down and she could feel that she would vomit if she didn't sit down now. When Laura saw Averill picking up the menu on the table, she couldn't help but to forget that saw dizzy and nauseous, what Laura remembered was that she was hungry. Laura picked up the other menu on the table and quickly looked at most of the dishes, she turned her head towards the waiter who was still waiting by their table.
"Everything. Cook me all the dishes." Laura spoke in a rather cold voice, and her solemn face did make her quite frightening.
The waiter felt shocked once again, she had never seen anyone wanting to order everything, she turned towards the man that sat on the same table as the crazy woman. But the waiter only saw him nod.
"Just make everything." Averill wasn't bothered by the amount Laura ordered. Averill didn't know it rather well now, but he knew he didn't need much food or any at all, but he could an amount that hundreds of people couldn't eat.
The waiter couldn't help but to nod unconsciously as she went back to the kitchen and told the chef the order. The chef went absent-minded too before beginning to cook the dishes one by one.