Everyone wanna play at the tower

"It should be time." A man wearing a green armour spoke to himself whilst standing on top of a tower while holding onto a sceptre. This man is Loki, the last god of Asgard, the God of Mischief and Trickery. Loki coldly gazed at the town, at the mere mortals who were doing their daily stuff.

"All of you mere mortals are living comfortably whilst my Asgard is in ruins with no survivors… I will show all of you the pain of being butchered!" Loki mumbled in a cold tone as he raised his sceptre, and not far away from him, an old man began clicking on a computer.

It didn't take long before something began happening, a black portal appeared high up in the air. And that portal was connected to another part of the Universe where a race of battle maniacs lived, the race is called; Chitauri. Loki had managed to obtain their loyalty and took them away from Thanos, and now Loki has a the Chitauri army for his own command and he would use them all to destroy Earth and kill Thanos!

Barely a few seconds later, humongous ships appeared from the black portal up in the air. And this alone was the beginning of the end of Earth.

"Crawl… Crawl on your knees and beg for your lives, MERE MORTALS!" Loki roared as he raised both of his hands, he also knew Magic which he learned from his mother. And from the Magic that Loki used, rain of meteors began falling from the heavens, crashing down on the city.

The civilians living in the city began panicking, the Chitauri were killing humans ruthlessly and no mercy could be seen. Buildings were destroyed, cars exploded, humans got blasted into pieces.

"Uwaaaah!" Cries of both children and adults could be heard through the entire city. Their cries were filled with despair, sadness and grief. Children saw their parents die in front of them. Parents saw their children die in front of them.

Many people tried hiding anywhere they could find, a corner in a room, or under a car. Parents tried their best in calming their children so they wouldn't make a sound, they held their own mouths as tears were running down their cheeks.

A Chitauri warrior flipped a car over and coldly gazed at the two small children cowering in fear in front of him. The Chitauri warrior let out a grin as he raised his sword.

*BANG!* But before the Chitauri warrior could do anything, his body was sent flying over a hundred meters, the Chitauri died instantly as his entire body was broken.

What appeared in front of the two children was a giant of a man, he wore a red armour and a red helmet. But the two children could see the eyes and the mouth of the man, he has sharp eyes and his mouth was forming a fierce frown that showed his teeth.

The giant of a man roared out which caught the attention of almost everyone in the city. "I'm the Juggernaut! Ain't nothin', ain't nobody can beat me!" After his loud roar, he lowered his body before jumping high up in the air towards one of the large alien ships.

Juggernaut's simple jump allowed brought him over a thousand meters up in the air, right near the alien ship. A grin appeared on Juggernaut's face as he said in loud voice. "LET ME POUND YOU TO THE GROUND!" And as Juggernaut yelled out, he punched towards the alien ship.

*BANG!* And like the sound of a bomb, the alien ship caved in to Juggernaut's punch and was sent flying towards the ground in speed that matched the speed of sound.

And just like Juggernaut arrived, many more mutants appeared throughout the city. Wolverine was cutting through the Chitauri who were on the ground, Storm was flying through the city aiming for the ships, Magneto was also flying but behind him was a mountain of steel and different types of metal.

But they weren't the only ones that began fighting, hundreds of metal soldiers appeared out of nowhere. The one controlling all of them was Jarvis. It had noticed Loki summoning the portal and Jarvis told the mutant leaders about it at once.

"The one who is doing all of this is Loki; an Asgardian God. His current location is on top of the Avengers Tower. We need to deal with the aliens and stopping Loki at the same time." Jarvis spoke to every mutant that were trying to protect the city.

"I'm on it!" The Phoenix; Jean Grey spoke up as she began flying towards the Avengers Tower. Her body was covered in flames that seemed to even wanting to burn the space itself.

And not too far behind here were even more mutants flying and running towards the Avengers Tower.

Quicksilver was running faster than anyone else, it barely took him a few seconds for him to run through the entire city towards the Avengers Tower, and as he ran, he snapped the neck of all the aliens that were on his path.

Magneto flied even faster towards the Avengers Tower, he snapped his fingers which crushed the aliens into pieces as they wore metal armour. Magneto had a cold expression on his face as he kept his eyes on top of the Avengers Tower, at the man wearing green armour and holding onto a sceptre.

And many more mutants had the Avengers Tower as their aim.

Loki continued to gaze, he didn't care if some of the Chitauri died as there were millions more who was going to appear. "These mere mortals think that they can change their fate. Nothing and no one can stop me from killing all of you!" Loki roared out so loudly that almost everyone in the city could hear him as he had enforced Magic into his voice.