A bad place

Averill didn't speak a single word, but the smile on his face could be seen as a grin. He walked towards The Joker, he stood in front of the sitting clown, but the sight of him sitting wasn't something Averill liked, so he simply flickered his hand upwards which made the clown stand up in no time.

Now, Averill was standing face to face with the clown who called himself The Joker. Both Averill and The Joker were smiling widely for some reason.

It was then that it began…

""Ahahahaha!"" Both Averill and the Joker laughed loudly like maniacs, the laughter of the Joker was like a creepy one that pierced other's ears and Averill's laughter sent chills through anyone's body who heard it.

But also like everything was a joke, both Joker and Averill moved at the same time, Joker used the knife in his hand to stab towards Averill's left eye, whilst Averill was matching Joker's speed and moved his right hand towards Joker's neck.

The knife in Joker's hand was merely a centimetre away from Averill's eye whereas Averill's hand was also merely a centimetre away from Joker's neck.

"What do you say? Your eye for my neck? Ahahahah!" The Joker began laughing again like a madman, yet his eyes were gazing at Averill's reaction.

The smile on Averill's face went even wider when he heard what the clown just said. "Do it then!" Averill slowly reached forward with his hand towards the neck of the clown, he wanted to see what the clown would do.

But before Averill could reach Joker's neck, the knife in Joker's hand had rushed towards the eye of Averill without any hesitation. The tip of the knife was being sent towards the red eye of Averill, and merely a millisecond later, the knife hit the red eye.

Yet like a fragile glass being hit by a hammer, the knife shattered into pieces the moment it touched Averill's eye.

And like lifting a body, Averill grabbed onto the neck of the clown and raised him up slightly in the air. Averill could see that in the background that the clown guards wanted to act, yet none of them moved a single muscle, almost like they were ordered beforehand about this.

"Hahahaahahahaha!" Joker laughed even more when Averill raised him up in the air by the neck. The pain didn't register clearly in Joker's mind, he only laughed like a madman as he was pleased with Averill's reaction.

And like Joker was pleased with Averill's reaction, Averill was also pleased with Joker's reaction. "I'm Averill Kaiser, what's your name?" Averill asked in a soothing voice, yet his eyes were still sharply gazing at the clown as he slowly put him down to his feet.

'Averill Kaiser…' Joker thought to himself for a brief moment, he had figured out that Averill didn't acknowledge the nickname he used, which left him with only one choice left to reveal his real name. "I'm Jack Napier. It's wonderful to finally meet you after your appearance earlier today!" The grin on Jack's face became even wider, he couldn't forget the wonderful sensation when Averill gazed towards him earlier.

"Good." Averill was delighted with the response of Jack Napier, he wouldn't acknowledge the nicknames of anyone, only their names would do. Averill still wasn't sure why he reacted to nicknames like that, but there wasn't a reason for Averill to stop doing that, so he would simply allow himself to not like anyone who didn't speak their names.

"Now, I'm here because I will use you for my plans." Averill's grin returned to his usual weird smile as he gazed at Jack as he began explaining. "…"

The more Jack heard about the plans of Averill, the worse the twitching of his face became. He was barely able to hold himself back from laughing out loudly due to the plan Averill was speaking about.

After finally having heard the plan Averill spoke about, Jack couldn't help himself from saying in a loud voice. "It's magnificent! I will do what you told me to do!" The eyes of Jack couldn't help but to glint as the smile on his face widened.

When Jack said that, Averill turned around before slowly walking towards the entrance. "Don't disappoint me, Jack. You will only have one chance, and I do not accept any failures." Averill's voice wasn't soothing at this point, but slightly deeper than usual.

And as Averill's voice faded away, Averill made a teleport in front of him and walked inside of it leisurely.

Jack Napier, aka The Joker, couldn't help but be dumbfounded with what he saw. Averill was beyond what Jack could figure out by himself, it would have scared too many people, but Jack was rather happy about it. It made Jack believe in that Averill would be able to achieve his crazy yet brilliant plan. The message it would leave behind would be something that Jack has wanted to spread around since the beginning.

"Boys, we have lots to do from now on! Call the rest of the crew and tell everyone to come here within an hour!" Jack spoke in a rather loud voice to the clown guards that were standing behind him, yet the clown guards could easily hear the happy voice of the Joker which they have rarely heard before.

But none of the clown guards dared to ask why Joker was happy, because they knew one thing, that Joker was a madman who would kill anyone if he wanted to. And the methods he would kill them were crazier than what people could think too.

Whilst Jack was beginning to prepare his own group to act, Averill had appeared in the home they took not too long ago. Only fifteen minutes had passed by since he left, but he could see that both Saitama and Laura were sitting on a large couch.

Laura was sitting rather straight as she watched the television, whereas Saitama was leaning backwards and relaxing on the couch as he gazed at the television with a hint of excitement.

"Seems like the two of you are happy about our new temporarily home." Averill could easily figure out why they were ecstatic with this new place, Laura was someone who was shut in a laboratory for most of her life. And even if Averill didn't know much of Saitama's past, he could figure out that Saitama wasn't someone that had a lot of money or lived luxurious in his past life.

But for some reason, Averill didn't feel anything as he lived in the mansion, no, Averill felt something about it. What Averill felt was that such a home for himself was a disgrace if nothing else, that it wasn't worthy of being a home for Averill. Yet Averill didn't think about it too much other than being slightly more interested in knowing who he was in his past life.